Twelve years ago when I was pregnant with my first child I remember being given a leaflet about Stem Cell collection at a baby show. I had no idea what it was about really, just that it was an expensive process.
The leaflet went in the recycling and that was that. I don’t know anyone who has had their child’s Stem Cells collected at birth and I think that’s probably because it’s never been widely publicised. I also think that there is probably a lot of confusing information out there too which puts parents off the idea.
It’s actually something I wish I’d done for all four of my children now, but it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and too late now. I guess one way to look at it is as a type of life insurance.
To help clarify a few things, Smart Cells have created this infographic – did you know this about Stem Cells?
New developments are being made all the time, the possibilities for the future seem endless and it must be a fascinating area to work in. Cord blood and cord tissue can now be collected, meaning two different types of Stem Cells can now be collected.
Is this something you considered before your child was born? Is it something you’d consider in the future?