The benefits of Engineered Wood Flooring

Are you looking to re-do a floor in your home? Or perhaps you are renovating and trying to decide which floors to lay in your home. There are tons of flooring options out there to consider, it’s likely to depend on where you want to lay the floor and the purpose of the room, with regards to what you deicide to go for.

For the purpose of this article I am going to focus on one of my favourite flooring types – engineered wood flooring, and some of the benefits of choosing this type of flooring for your home, but obviously you could also look at places like for alternatives.

There are a number of benefits to using engineered wood flooring in the home, but in this article, I’ve chosen to focus on my favourite four and those I personally consider to be the most important when it comes to selecting this flooring over say a solid wooden floor.


One of the key benefits of engineered wood flooring, when compared to a solid wooden floor is the price. Wooden floors are incredibly expensive, especially if you have a large or complex floor space to cover. So, opting for engineered wooden flooring can be much more friendlier to your bank balance, leaving you with some spare cash for further renovations.

Unless you were an expert, you’d be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the look of the two types of flooring, so why waste your money? You can get the ‘look’ of a very pricey solid wood floor, for a much more reasonable price.

Prices vary across these types of floors, depending on a number of factors such as the type of wood, the finish and the thickness. You can get any thickness from 10mm to 20mm, with 18mm Engineered Wood Flooring being a popular choice in lots of homes.

You can also normally choose a range of widths of your wood panels as well, which will no doubt depend largely on the area the floor is going into.

As a guide, for this type of flooring prices range from around £30 per squared metre, to £80 per squared metre, with the bulk being under £50 per squared metre – so plenty of choice at the lower end.


As I’ve hinted at above, another benefit of engineered wooden flooring is that you can’t really tell the difference between that and a solid wooden floor once the floor is fitted. The finish on these floors is so good, to most eyes it will look like the real deal. Do you think you could tell the difference?

Real Wood Topper

One of the reasons engineered wood flooring so closely resembles solid wooden floors is that it has a real wood topper to it. This assists massively with the overall finished look. This is very different from say a laminate floor, which does not have a real wood topper and therefore has much more of an artificial-type look to it.

Two of the most common wood topper finishes with engineered wooden floors are oak and walnut. Although oak is probably the more well known, I can honestly say that walnut is stunning. My dad used to make things out of walnut wood and it would always be a really dark and rich colour.

Temperature Fluctuations

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Solid wood flooring, as nice as it can be, does not fair very well when it comes to moisture. Whether that is a spilt glass of water, wet feet or a discarded damp towel, or humidity from a bathroom. Moisture is not a friend of a solid wood floor. However, one of the benefits of an engineered wooden floor, is that is responds much better to moisture. This means it is much more versatile, when it comes to the location of this type of flooring in the home.

This means that engineered wood flooring is a much more family-friendly option when it comes to having wooden floors in the home.

Next Steps

When considering engineered wooden flooring for your home, look for companies who will send you out free samples to place around your home for consideration. This can be a massive bonus, as it can be really hard trying to imagine a whole floor of something you’ve only seen in a store or online! Samples are often available for engineered wood products, to allow you to visually place your options in your home and find your dream flooring.

Good luck, take your time and you will no doubt find your ideal flooring for your space.

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