Home storage is something we all need. The more our families expand, the greater our need for home storage solutions.
Does anyone find that storage systems seem to work for a while and then you get to a stage when things just stop working and you need to upgrade? That’s what I’ve been doing recently all over the house, just to try and keep on top of all the stuff. Here are a few things to consider when thinking about upgrading your home storage solutions.

Before you begin to try and find storage solutions for all the things you own, ask yourself if you really need all the ‘stuff’ anyway. There is no point keeping things just for the sake of it. Start off by having a really good de-clutter of all your bits and bobs, taking one room at a time. Don’t try to attack the whole house in one go, I promise, you will regret it!
Go through everything and ask yourself if you really want or need each item. If not, can you sell it, do you know someone who could benefit from it, could you donate it to a charity shop or refuge, or, does it just need to be recycled?
Hopefully, once you’ve gone through this process you will then have a much smaller amount of stuff to find a storage solution for.
Do you need a storage unit?

Think about the types of storage you need
Once you are left with all the things you want to store, you need to give some thought to the types of storage that will work for those specific items. For example, pantry storage will differ from wardrobe storage and both will differ from attic storage.
Think about how accessible you need the items to be and whether there are any considerations. For example, we live in the countryside next to a farm and there are lots of mice and shrews that seem to find their way into various places, so when I store things like Christmas decorations, Easter things and other seasonal stuff that gets tucked out of the way, I make sure I only use thick plastic containers that are totally sealed to prevent anything getting in.

Label everything
One of the things I must say is be sure to label EVERYTHING! I’m not exaggerating, don’t look at something and assume that your future self will remember what it is you’ve put in that jar, tub or box. Don’t underestimate the power of a nice label, sticker or sharpie. Labels are your friend when it comes to storage solutions.
Good luck – let me know how you get on and if you have any of your own storage tips to share.
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