Win a multipack of Boka bars in time for the summer holidays

Boka has invented the perfect snack that tastes great and is the ONLY four green traffic lights cereal bar with every flavour low in sugar, fat, saturates and salt! Boka’s snack bars are healthy without compromising on taste, choose from four child (and parent!) friendly varieties – Apple & Cinnamon, Caramel, Strawberry and the newest addition Choco Mallow!

Boka, products are in line with guidelines from the health experts, the Department of Health in their Change4Life public health programme aiming to get children/parents eating no more than two 100 calorie snacks per day!

Boka uses the traffic light system of labelling revealing the amount of fat, saturates, sugar and salt their tasty snack bars. Red signals a high percentage, amber a medium percentage and green a low percentage for each of these ingredients.

All snack bars are 30g, low in sugar (just 1.6g), fat, saturates, salt and under 100 calories. The bars are available as a single ‘grab and go’ bar priced at 75p or grab multipacks to stock up just £2.50 per pack. Available from Sainsbury’s in store and online.

win boka

My first impressions of these bars were how ideal they were as a lunchbox snack. Also perfect as a post-school snack when hungry children turn into demons. A quick nibble on a Boka bar will sort them out!

They are super tasty and if you are prone to a low point yourself during the day, these are ideal as a quick and healthy fix. The Apple & Cinnamon bar went down the best with us, although the strawberry was popular too.

The traffic light system is very helpful and it really aids when trying to identify healthy snacks during a supermarket or online food shop. We need quick visuals that aren’t deceiving, so Boka ticks the boxes there.

If you fancy trying Boka for yourself why not have a go at our competition to try to win a set of Boka bars?

Just complete the easy widget below to enter.

Good luck!

Win a pack of Boka bars – a healthy snack for all the family

Terms and conditions:
  • Giveaway will run until August 7th.
  • There is one prize to be won.
  • The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered.
  • This giveaway is open to UK entries only.
  • Entrants must be age 18 or over.
  • Data controller for the purposes of this giveaway is Mummy Fever. Your details will not be used for any other purpose than selecting/informing a winner.
  • Winner’s details will be passed to Bland Pr, who are responsible for sending out the prize.
  • All entries will be checked.
  • The winner will be chosen at random from valid entries after the closing date.
  • The winner will be informed by email.
  • Failure to respond within one week may result in a new winner being drawn.
  • Once drawn, the winner’s name will be displayed on this blog post.
  • Entry into the giveaway will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions
Featured on SuperLuckyMe


  1. Labelling needs to be made clearer with one system – traffic light system is the one i prefer
    There’s so many ways the health message could be spread

  2. Some snacks are and some snacks aren’t. Quite often in the past I was eating what I thought would have been a healthy alternative to something, only later to find out that it was in fact full of sugar.

  3. not as far as I’ve seen, so probably not! Clearer info would help us, but may hinder their ability to sell, & it’s all about their profit margins, isn’t it!?

  4. No, to be honest I have no idea what calories or fa are in the snacks I eat or give to my children.

  5. While I was waiting to see my dentist, I read a fascinating display about hidden sugars. So, no, I don’t think snacks are labelled clearly enough just yet. I hope the situation will improve soon for the sake of both general health and dental health.

  6. I think so. Generally pretty clear and if you need more info, it’s not really that hard to find.

  7. Not really though I think we all really know deep down which are the naughty ones it’s the ones pretending to be healthy that need clarification

  8. I think they’re labelled clearly enough, but maybe some people don’t interpret the labelling properly.

  9. i think theres enough info on them just sometimes its harder to find on certain packaging than others

  10. They never used to be but i think things have changed and the labelling is a lot better.

  11. Love a healthy snack – with a hungry five year old around I never seem to have enough!

  12. I think generally they are labelled clearly enough, although some brands could do a little better with health info.

  13. definitely room for improvement in the industry – sometimes things can be misleading. I love the brands that are truthful.

  14. I think snacks are labelled clearly enough if you look for the information. I do think on some snacks that the info could be displayed more prominently.

  15. If the same system was used on all products it would make it easier for instance the traffic light system

  16. I think the labelling is getting better and a lot more snacks are labelled, I do prefer the red, yellow, green labelling though as it’s easier to see at a glance what you are getting in the snack and therefore able to choose healthier options.

  17. These days yes, I think in general snacks are labelled clearly enough….and I think we need to take responsibility too, it shouldn’t all be on the manufacturers

  18. Yes, on the whole. The difficulty is finding snacks that are low sugar. Thanks for running this comp 🙂

  19. I think there should be only 1 labelling system to make it easier and quicker to make better food choices.

  20. I only really look at labels for my son but it can be so hard to compare products when some have clear traffic light percentages and some don’t!

  21. I think they are labeled quite clearly and as long as children are not eating them all of the time I dont see a problem with snacks for the children

  22. l think the calories and energy etc are now but not the preservatives and nasty stuff in them. They need to be labelled mush better so we know exactly what we’ve feeding our children and grand children.

  23. i like the traffic light labeliing you can see straight away whats in it but dont see it on snacks much unless there in packs

  24. I feel smacks in general are labelled enough but there is room for improvement on quality of ingredients.

  25. Labelling has improved, but could still be better. Many times, ingredients are labelled using confusing terminology so it’s unclear what they are unless you are a scientist, e.g. sucrose, frustose, etc. instead of sugar.

  26. I do think that they are labelled a lot more clearly than they used to be, but I find that nowadays packaging & product names are designed to make us believe that a product is healthy when in reality it’s quite the opposite!

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