Welcome to part nine in our ‘learning begins at home’ series.
The little ones have been learning about colours recently. We do this day-to-day with a range of activities such as plasticine, building bricks and crayons but as the weather was so lovely last week we took this learning outside and did some chalking on the flagstones.
We created a seaside picture and then we made a rainbow and talked about all the colours.
Like many things, repetition seems to be the key and very quickly the boys were pointing out the colours I was picking out.
Of course, to them this was just a fun game and a chance to play outside and that is what made the activity most effective. It has been too wet to chalk this week, so we played the Orchard Toys post box game and talked about colours that way, but hopefully we can get out there again soon as this was lots of fun.
How do you teach your teach your children about colours?
Aww that’s lovely. As we are always out and about we learn our colours from cars that go by quite often!
Ah yes – that’s a good one!