5 tips to help you find a babysitter

Parents are busy nowadays and are dependent on babysitters for some free time. However, going about finding the right babysitter can be a tough task. So, here are 5 key tips to help parents find and choose the right babysitter for their family. 


Look in relevant places

The first step you should take is to look within the community you know, including your neighbourhood, workplace or your local schools. You can also look at online resources, like babysits.uk, to filter on your needs and find babysitters in your area.

Schedule an in-person interview to connect a face and a name

Schedule an in-person interview with a potential babysitter, as you can get a better idea if they are in fact suited to take care of your child. It is recommended that this interview take place at a neutral venue like a cafe or sandwich shop. Meeting at a neutral, public location can be more comfortable and safe for both yourself and the babysitter, particularly if it’s someone you haven’t met yet. Pay close attention to some key details, such as whether they dressed appropriately for the job and they arrived on time for your meeting.

Ask the right questions during the interview for a better understanding

This is your chance to make sure that a potential babysitter fits your needs and is capable of caring for your child(ren). So, make sure to ask them the right questions! For example, have them elaborate on their experiences with children, specifically children around the age of your child(ren). Now is your opportunity to see if they have any kind of training or certifications, such as first aid or CPR. You can even take them through hypothetical situations and ask how they would handle them. It’s also important to ask them why they want this babysitting position, and why they enjoy working babysitting.

If you need any help coming up with interview questions, check out this extensive guide. These questions can help you get a better idea of a potential babysitter’s background and experience, as well as who they are as a person.

Check references and/or perform background checks of babysitters for peace of mind

Looking at the references and performing background checks are a must during any process of hiring babysitters, but when shortening the list of top picks for your caregiver, give thought to the conversations you have had with the families they noted down as references. Are the families that the babysitter has taken care of in the past identical to your family? If your potential babysitter has had any experience taking care of situations that are identical to what they’ll be doing with your family, then it is probable that it will be a smooth transition. If you want to go further in-depth, you could check the background of your babysitter. You can, for example, ask if they have a DBS or other background check certificate and review this document, or consider running your own background check.

To make this process easier, on Babysits you can see references and whether the babysitter has submitted an accepted DBS/background check document.

Undertake a trial run to see how the potential babysitter interacts with your children

You may think you’ve found the right babysitter, however, you won’t know for sure until you have had them child-tested and approved. A good babysitter shouldn’t shy away from the idea of having a trial run. Choose a day where you can devote an hour to your children and the babysitter, then depart for an hour and let the children spend some time with them. If your children connect in a manner with the babysitter that is similar to how you connect with them, chances are you have a good babysitter. The most important part is to not panic; it’s better to spend time and find the perfect babysitter than to rush into it. Do you find yourself struggling to find babysitting in Toronto? Click here for help finding the perfect babysitter for you. Make sure you follow all of the guidelines provided and check reviews of each babysitter before committing to anything.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to find your perfect babysitter. However, as one final piece of advice, you should always trust your gut feeling.

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