Are you a fan of a hoodie? I love a good hoodie, I really can’t live without them. I find them so comfy and practical and so do the rest of my family. We all have them and all enjoy wearing them. With lockdown still continuing on, I feel as if they are even more essential than normal – read on to see my top six reasons why hoodies are essential for lockdown! How many reasons of your own do you have?
Perfect for the cold weather
Whatever you are up to a hoodie will keep you warm. Perhaps you are off for an early morning run or walk? Feeling a bit chilly? No problem, just pop a hoodie on. If you get too warm you can always take it off, tie it around your waist and carry on – easy.
Don’t miss out on the fresh air, just wrap up warmer. I’m loving the early mornings at the moment, before everyone gets up, especially with the clear frosty mornings we’ve been having – it’s a lovely way to start the day.

If you are staying put inside and feel the cold, an oversized hoodie is ideal too. You can fit lots of layers underneath and stay cosy all day long. If you aren’t a fan of blasting the heating the whole day this might be a better (and cheaper) bet!
Go for something nice and fluffy for extra warmth like this fleece front pocket hoodie, with matching joggers. This is so warm and so comfortable. It’s one of those things you can’t wait to get around the washing cycle so you can wear it again. This is available in several colours and sizes 6-14 from Femme Luxe.
Ideal for early mornings
Nipping outside to put the bins out because you forgot to last night? Need to go outside to collect the milk, or maybe just bring the bins in? Up early to receive a delivery even? No problem. Throw on a hoodie and you are warm and presentable.
I love this comfy and cosy cream hoodie, which is also pretty smart…although, full disclosure, I do struggle to keep things like this clean for long! This comes with matching joggers too and is available in sizes 6-14.
A great disguise
Having a rough day? We all have them don’t we. Don’t fear. With a big oversized hoodie, you can just pull the hood up and hide inside for a while until you feel like coming out.
Want to go for a walk but feeling super anti-social? Pull up the hood and march on, just add a large pair of sunglasses for a full disguise. Head down and power on.
That’s easy to do in this black oversized hoodie, available in sizes 6-14. You can get this in other colours as well including grey, wine and charcoal. What colour would you go for?

A handy pocket
Hoodies often have a handy pocket in the front. Always putting your phone down? Need to keep a tissue handy for wiping runny noses? Maybe you just need to keep a hair bobble handy to use during the day? Whatever it is, this handy pocket will be well used, I guarantee you! I mean, who knows what you will discover in there by the end of the day!
Comfy and comforting
Hoodies are meant to be comfy, that’s the whole point. If yours isn’t, you have the wrong one! Aside from just being ridiculously comfy though, I find a hoodie so comforting. There is something about having that extra bit of fabric around your neck that you can sink into if you need to, don’t you think?

Ideal for exercising
Hoodies are perfect for exercising in. Not quite warm enough to train in a vest top? No problem, pop on a hoodie and get moving. Whether it’s to a YouTube workout video, Just Dance with the kids, a training run or even Yoga, a comfy hoodie is perfect for the job! You can easily whip it off when you get too warm.

Are you a hoodie fan? What do you love most about them? Do you go for something slim fitting or something oversized?
This is a collaborative article with Femme Luxe.
A zip up hoody for me as I’m breastfeeding but yes very cosy.
I practically live in a hoody,love a good one
The handy pocket… yes! I have lived in jeggings, leggings and hoodies when not working from home!
I love your views on this and quite agree – comforting, warm and handy too.