Choosing a rug for your home

This ridiculous cold and wet June weather has had me put the heating back on a couple of times this week. Everything feels cold and damp and I feel like living in wellies and full waterproofs.

Normally this time of year I’m getting the fans out trying to keep everyone cool at night and opening all the conservatory windows because it feels like an oven in there – not this year though!

This year I’m approaching June as if it were December!

If you have lots of hard floors in your home, you’ll know that when it’s cold and wet it can make the house seem less cosy somehow. A big fluffy carpet can make a huge difference to how a room feels can’t it?

The bulk of our floors downstairs are hard floors, either tiled or laminate and although they are easy to clean and much more easy to manage if there is some sort of spilage, they can feel cold.

During the potty training years I totally welcomed all the hard floors as it made life much easier, but now all the children are getting bigger it’s less of an issue.

If you want to go somewhere in between, a great option is a really good rug added to you hard floor. A decent rug brings an instant warmth to a room and can make it feel really cosy, whilst still being removable should you need that option.

It’s a really good halfway option. It can also transform the look of a room without spending a fortune.

I absolutely love this dark grey rug from The Rug Retailer. It’s comfy and cosy to sit on, looks smart and brings a real warmth to a room.

There are tons of gorgeous rugs on The Rug Retailer website. There’s something to suit every room, every colour scheme and every budget, including some lovely shaggy rug options.

I love this Suprema Dark Grey Rug because it is anti-shed and anti-static, two things that really annoy me about some rugs I’ve had in the past. These are also easy to clean and seem hard wearing too.

Have you got many rugs in your home? What do you normally go for? Let us know in a comment below.

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