How do you approach cleaning your hard surfaces? It depends on the surface no doubt.
If it’s the floor, perhaps you hoover or sweep and then mop or polish. If it’s a work top, perhaps you use a spray disinfectant. If it’s a table maybe you wipe it over and follow up with some sort of polish. Do you have a consistent approach that you use?

All natural approach
Have you heard of the ecoegg Hard Surface Cleaner? This is a whole new approach to cleaning hard surfaces. It cleans, polishes and protects surfaces, and gets through some of the toughest of stains. Being natural there are no harsh chemicals in it, meaning it is kind to the environment and your skin. Sounds like a win on lots of levels right?
I used to be pretty sceptical of ‘natural’ cleaning products, I mean If it’s natural how could it clean? That was until I put vinegar and bicarb down the sink and drain to unblock it – now I’m open to anything that seems a bit alternative!

The ecoegg Hard Surface Cleaner is made from a naturally occurring clay which is only found in a small village in France. The only thing added to the clay is natural fragrance. Both the solid and liquid products come in Orange Blossom, Citrus Burst, Lavender, Aloe Vera and Eucalyptus so there’s a fragrance to suit everyone! I Love the sound of the Eucalyptus as I’m a fan of the fragrance – it always clears my head. It’s the Lavender I’ve been trying out though.
So what can it clean?
It’s the perfect product for cleaning anything like work tops, hobs, floors, mirrors, glass, pots and pans and so on.
It comes with a non-scratch sponge. You dampen the sponge, wipe over the paste, clean your chosen surface and then wipe over with a damp microfibre cloth.

I’ve sort of re-discovered the multiple benefits of microfibre cloths recently and I use them all the time on pretty much everything. You are pretty much guaranteed to get a good finish.
What’s the verdict on the ecoegg product?
I like it! Not wild about the Lavender fragrance, but that’s just a personal preference, it cleans well and the finish is impressive.

I’ve used cream cleaners in the past and been disappointed with the amount of residue left behind, but if you use a damp microfibre cloth after using the cleaner, or a dry one if you are cleaning windows or mirrors, then there is no residue. Winner!
There is currently a promotion on the website on Hard Surface Cleaner. When buying a 500g Hard Surface Cleaner for £9.99 (originally £12.99), you will receive a free 250ml Liquid Hard Surface Cleaner, plus a non scratch sponge and 2 x microfibre cloths.