Do you simply find that you don’t have the time to keep your home to the standards that YOU demand? Or maybe you’re sick of spending so much of your day cleaning when you would much rather be doing something else? Well, not to fret, because here we’re going to take a closer look at some house cleaning tricks that will shave hours off of your weekly cleaning routines.
3 Carpet Vacuuming Tips You May Not Have Thought About Before
Living in or owning a house comes with several responsibilities that you must adhere to, for you to maintain your home. Some may require physical attention others require ‘machinery’ for perfection.
A new approach to cleaning hard surfaces
If it’s the floor, perhaps you hoover or sweep and then mop or polish. If it’s a work top, perhaps you use a spray disinfectant. If it’s a table maybe you wipe it over and follow up with some sort of polish. Do you have a consistent approach that you use?
Guest Post – How To Maintain Garden Furniture
Bio: This post was written by The Garden Furniture & Interiors Co. who supply a wide range of high-quality garden furniture from leading brands and respected manufacturers. Your garden furniture is vulnerable to weather, rust, rot, UV rays, dirt, ageing, and dust, so you need to care for and maintain it. Whether you have metal, […]