Tips for long car journeys with children

None of us have been on very long car journeys with children over the last 12 months due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, with every jab that goes into an arm somewhere, we get one step closer to the world opening up again. Here, are a few tips to help ease children back into long car journeys.

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Tips for Travelling with Kids

Whilst none of us are going very far at the moment, that won’t always be the case. Whether it is for the sheer spirit of adventure or a force of circumstances, you will probably find yourself travelling with kids at one point.

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Things to do in Chicago with children

From the adventure of the airport, going on a plane, seeing different money, hearing different accents and languages, and seeing the destination itself, there is so much that can be gained from travelling with children. Here are a few things to do with children in Chicago, one of the largest cities in the U.S. and home to the busyiest airport in the world.

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Planning a long haul flight or big road trip with the kids? How to put together a ‘Busy Bag’

Travelling with children can make parents a little tense at times. When travelling, you can find yourself in situations when you need to rush, when it’s busy, when you really have to concentrate, when you have to sit still and so on. All of these situations can prove tricky at times when you have children – try telling a one year old who has just started walking they have to sit still on a plane, or a tired child they need to queue to get through passport control.

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