Ditch the gadgets? These are the top toys parents would like their children to play with

What’s on your child’s Christmas list this year? Are the things they’ve asked for mainly gadgets or are there some traditional toys on there too?

Microscopes, modelling clay and magic kits were among the top toys adults believe children should experience while growing up, according to a study. A poll of 2,000 parents also found many yearn for their kids to ditch their high-tech gadgets and try traditional toys such as chemistry sets, yo-yos and skipping ropes.

toys for all

Cameras, science sets and telescopes also made the top 30 list – all toys which those who took part said had a positive effect on their own childhood.

Art sets and easels also featured, with one in four adults agreeing a child’s toy should encourage them to be in the hope it boosts their self-expression and confidence at an early age.

Andrew Roscoe from Very, who carried out the study, said: “Toys are so important to a child’s development and education; they can lead children to new discoveries, helping unlock their potential and their budding passions by encouraging learning, compassion and creativity. This can help set them up for the future and even spark a lifelong interest that can develop into a career path or hobby. It’s important for children to play with all sort of toys – from toy cars and dolls to construction kits and telescopes. All of these can benefit them in a number of different ways, developing skills across many different platforms. Adults acknowledge the fact there were certain toys during childhood which had a really positive impact on their growth and development. This shows how toys can encourage inquisitiveness, physical exercise and creativity, as well as social skills development when playing with peers.”

toys for all

Over two thirds of the parents polled said their children play with the same toys they did when they themselves were young, showing how timeless classics that help with a child’s development endure more than the tech-centric toys of today.

The study also revealed most adults believe young children should be exposed to shape sorters, dolls, teddy bears and ride-on cars, while those of a slightly older age benefit from bikes, train sets, telescopes, and chemistry sets.

One in 10 adults highlighted role-play as an important factor in play time, with dress up clothes and play houses featuring in the list of the top 30 toys children should own.

toys for all

According to those polled, the perfect toy should be fun first and foremost (52 per cent), as well as entertaining (49 per cent). Four in 10 adults felt it is important for toys to be educational, while 44 per cent love them to inspire creativity. One in four adults believed a toy or game should be family friendly, and 40 per cent said it should aid growth and development according to the study by OnePoll.

Child development expert and spokeswoman for Very.co.uk, Anita Cleare, said: “Play is essential for children’s development – it’s how they build their brains, learn about the universe and develop creativity, problem solving and social skills.

According Meebily.com, some of the best toys are the ones that encourage children to play together or with their families, as this helps children’s social and emotional development and teaches them key skills like communication, co-operation and negotiation. For example, Lego encourages children to use their imagination, board games like pictionary game which encourages a fun time while others give them the opportunity to develop complex thinking skills like planning and prediction; and puzzles are great for practising mental rotation.”

toys for all

1. Bike
2. Puzzles
3. Board game
4. Teddy bear
5. Balls
6. Wooden blocks
7. Art sets
8. Modelling clay
9. Toy animal
10. Skipping rope
11. Musical instruments
12. Dress up clothes
13. Toy cars and vehicles
14. Train set
15. Yo-yo
16. Shape sorters
17. Small figures
18. Play kitchen
19. Baby doll
20. Science kit
21. Doll’s house
22. Art easel
23. Telescope
24. Ride on car
25. Microscope
26. Chemistry set
27. Tool bench
28. Remote controlled car
29. Magic kit
30. Camera

toys for all

What will you be buying your children this year? Anything on this list?

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