Fancy some liquid sunshine?

“I’m just topping up on some natural Vitamin D” I’ve heard a few people say that during the summer months.

Yes of course we need to take care in the sunshine, just like the negative effects of smoking are well known these days, I honestly think that the message about staying safe in the sun is also well out there.

Do people ignore it? Yes. Do they underestimate the impact sunburn can have? Absolutely. We all know we should take care in the sun, use a high factor sunscreen and stay out of the sun at the hottest points of the day.

importance of Vitamin D

Despite the dangers of too much sun, the sun also offers us a good dose of natural Vitamin D. We need vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium and phosphate from our diet. These minerals are important for healthy bones, teeth and muscles. A lack of vitamin D, known as vitamin D deficiency, can cause bones to become soft and weak, which can lead to bone deformities. In children, for example, a lack of vitamin D can lead to rickets. In adults, it can lead to osteomalacia, which causes bone pain and tenderness.

Our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on our skin when we’re outdoors. From about late March/early April to the end of September, most people should be able to get all the vitamin D we need from sunlight. We also get some vitamin D from a small number of foods, including oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines, as well as red meat and eggs.

Vitamin D is also added to all infant formula milk, as well as some breakfast cereals, fat spreads and non-dairy milk alternatives.

Problems can come when children are fussy eaters, or parents for that matter, and they don’t consume enough Vitamin D in their diet, or of course if little time is spent outdoors.

importance of Vitamin D

What about the winter sun? We’ve had some lovely sunny days in November, so don’t these count? Sadly not! The winter sun the UK, sunlight doesn’t contain enough UVB radiation in “winter” (or actually October to early March) for our skin to be able to make Vitamin D. During these months, we rely on getting our Vitamin D from food sources (including fortified foods) and supplements.

This is where something like OILESEN™ Vitamin D3 400, drops on the basis of extra virgin olive oil can come in handy – these products are intended to provide supplementary vitamin D3 for babies. It is recommended that babies who are exclusively breast fed have a supplement of Vitamin D.

importance of Vitamin D

OILESEN™ Vitamin D3 500, spray products are intended to provide supplementary vitamin D3 for children, adolescents and adults, as well as individuals who may be house bound or who may avoid sun exposure.

OILESEN™ Vitamin D3 1000, soft capsules in Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Immunity and Bones – these products are intended to provide supplementary vitamin D3 for children, adolescents and adults, as well as individuals who may be house – bound or who may avoid sun exposure.

These are all really easy to include in every day life. It’s a small addition, for a big impact.

Do you take a dose of Vitamin D daily? Were you aware of the importance of Vitamin D for the body?

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