Whether you are building your own rope swing with rope from RopesDirect, or starting a huge landscaping project, anyone with a garden or outdoor space will no doubt have been very grateful for this during the last few months. With a lockdown in place for several weeks and then continued restrictions on what we can and can’t do, having your own outside space, especially in these times is a real bonus.
With summer now upon us, so many of us are hoping for some nice weather and more time outside, so here are a few things that can help you enjoy that time.

Keep the bugs away
One of the downsides of summer is…the bugs! What is your least favourite summer bug? Mine is wasps – I can’t bear them. Mainly because I react really badly to wasp stings and I just see them as totally pointless, anyone else?
One of the things I’ve been using this summer is citronella candles. I just light a few and dot them around the house. We’ve also made some wasp catchers, which are made with a plastic bottle with jam and some water inside.
Get comfy

If your children are old enough to play on their own, perhaps there is a chance you might get five minutes to sit down outside and watch them play. You might as well be comfy whilst you do.
Not all outdoor seats are comfy and squishy, so adding a couple of cushions can be a great idea. Cushions that are specifically for outdoor use are much better as they will cope with an unexpected shower and also the fabric tens to wipe clean quite easily too.
I’m rather in love with these Celina Digby Water Resistant Garden Cushions at the moment. I love the colours and they are perfect for outdoors or even conservatories. These have an anti-fungal coating making them perfect for summer time outdoors.
You can get a matching table cloth for an outside table too. So many outdoor table cloths are PVC and they don’t hang very well, but this one is different. It’s made of waterproof fabric instead so it is still durable bit looks much better and more natural.
If you are looking to make bulk orders that can be done via UK Wholesales https://ukwholesales.co.uk/garden/.
Have fun

Having games set up outside in the summer and things to do as a family is a great way to enjoy time outside. We are loving our Swingball this summer and the mud kitchen is still a big hit too! What games and activities do your family enjoy playing in the garden?
Our children love their tree swings. You can attach an old tyre to a tree and make a brilliant swing with some decent rope.
Bug-proof your drinks

There’s nothing worse in the summer than making yourself a nice Pimms or something equally as summery, going to take a sip and discovering that there is a bug swimming gala taking place in your glass. Mason jar style glasses with lids are a perfect solution for this, but if you don’t have lids, cover the glass with cling film and then just poke the straw through the centre.
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