We’ve all grown accustomed to air-conditioning in the office, and our cars, but what about our homes? Is domestic air conditioning a practical option for UK homes?
An increasing number of homeowners are having the latest domestic air-conditioning systems installed in their property – and for new builds, installing air conditioning now is the perfect time to get your property temperature-ready straight from the start.
Here we take a look at air conditioning in more detail. How does it work and is it expensive to run?

What are air conditioners?
At their simplest, air conditioners are machines that take air in, and alter or treat it, before recirculating it back out into the home. Most people associate air conditioners with cooling down hot air in warm climates, but they can also be used to heat up cold air, or even remove the humidity from the room.
How do they work?
Different air conditioning systems work in different ways, with varying levels of complexity. Here’s some of the basic stages that an air-conditioning unit goes through to help keep your room at a steady ambient temperature.
- The desired temperature is set with a thermostat, then ambient sensors communicate with the A/C unit, automatically starting, or pausing the mechanical cooling process.
- If necessary, the unit will then begin sucking in warm air from the room, through a series of power fans known as the ‘blower motor’. This air is then channelled over a network of hollow, sealed metal coils.
- It’s in these metal coils that you’ll find the refrigerant compounds. These are chemicals that change from a liquid to a gas, and in doing so they naturally absorb heat. As this happens, heat is lost from the metal coils.
- As the air passes over the coils, it too drops in temperature. Moisture in the air is deposited on the coils as condensation and is drained off.
- Because there’s a finite amount of refrigerant contained in the coils, the gas will need to be changed back into a liquid, so that the cycle can keep running. A compressor in the unit will kick-in and force the gas to liquefy.
- Reversing the process also reverses the result, creating hot air which is then expelled. For this reason, the compressor is usually located on an exterior roof or wall.
- These processes can be looped continuously to create the perfect ambient temperature in your home for as long as it’s required.

What are the benefits of installing air conditioning at home?
There are many great reasons to install an air conditioning system in your home, some of which you may have already thought of, others that may be new to you.
Here’s just a few of the benefits that a contemporary air conditioning system for your home can bring:
- You can maintain a steady, comfortable temperature all year round, making your home a sanctuary from whatever the weather outside is doing.
- Poor air quality in some parts of the UK is a real problem, with serious consequences for public health. Air conditioning helps to circulate and filter the air. This helps to remove pollutants from the air, reducing the health risks. This can be particularly important for asthma and allergy sufferers.
- A modern home air conditioner allows you to sleep more easily. Whether in the sticky heat of the summer, or a cold winter’s night, the steady ambient temperature provided by modern air conditioning systems makes for a more comfortable environment in which to sleep.
- During the winter months, an air conditioning system can help to reduce your heating bills. Modern systems can convert ambient air into cool or warm air.
- An air conditioning system helps to make your home more appealing to a variety of potential homebuyers
- They can help to dehumidify your home, reducing the risk of problems such as damp, particularly in older properties.
- Smart temperature control means that you can make your home warmer or cooler at the touch of a button.
- Modern units are efficient, discreet and don’t take up much space.
How much do domestic air conditioning units cost to run?

It’s a common misconception that air conditioning systems are expensive to run. While it’s difficult to give a precise figure for very different homes and levels of usage, it’s important to recognise that modern air-conditioning units are highly cost-effective. As it helps to maintain a steady ambient temperature in your home it reduces the need for fluctuations in your heating. As with other technology, improvements and innovations are making air conditioning units increasingly efficient to run. Thanks to new inverter technologies, many air conditioning systems are given the highest A+++ rating for energy efficiency.
At an estimated cost of 8p per hour to run for the average indoor 2KW unit, a contemporary, bespoke air-conditioning system for your home really won’t cost the earth!
Choose the right domestic air conditioning installer
So if you’re looking for air conditioning system installation for your home, it’s important to choose the right installation service. Air conditioning installers such as Liverpool-based Enviro Chill specialise in providing customers throughout the North of England with a tailored domestic air conditioning service that is designed to suit each homes individual requirements.
Beginning with an on-site survey, their qualified engineers will discuss any queries you have and advise on how to get the most out of your new AC unit. Once you’re happy with everything, they will carry out a swift installation of an energy efficient domestic air conditioning system.
Because regular maintenance is key for prolonging service life, Enviro Chill also offer an additional service plan, available at a yearly fee, to provide customers with additional peace of mind – ensuring your homes AC unit will run smoothly throughout the year.
Somehing worth considering – would come in handy
Wish we had the ability here as our summers are getting hotter for sure!
Creating a comfortable living space involves more than aesthetics, and understanding how to install air conditioning at home is pivotal. Much like the dedication to innovative solutions provided by Kelly Office Solutions, a leading business technology solutions provider in North Carolina, embracing change is crucial for a modern lifestyle. As times evolve and needs grow, Kelly Office Solutions continues to serve clients in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Charlotte, and surrounding areas, adapting and expanding services. Likewise, installing air conditioning transforms your home, ensuring a cool and refreshing environment. Navigate the changing seasons with a commitment to comfort, mirroring the adaptability synonymous with both home improvement and cutting-edge business solutions.