How to effortlessly make your balcony a dream space

When we think of redesigning and redecorating spaces in our house, a balcony rarely comes to mind. Often these are small spaces that people often don’t recognise the potential in.

It’s easy to overlook a small space, but, with a bit of thought and TLC, it could turn out to be a really special place.

You may underrate the importance of a balcony because you don’t spend as much time there as an indoor living space or garden. Many patios are not that spacious to have room for all the furniture and objects you would like to incorporate. They sometimes become a storage place rather than the oasis of silence and peace where you enjoy pleasant activities. 

If you live in a city, this might be your only outdoor space – so make the most of it.

Get the most out of the space you possess

Consider all the places that can serve as storage solutions in order not to overcrowd the floor of your balcony. Use your wall space to hang utensils and flower pots.

After you free the ground as much as you can, pick some paintings you find yourself in and inspire you and display them on the walls. Flower pots can be hung or suspended from windowsills, walls, ceilings, and furniture shelves, and rain will do the watering job for you on the ones that are not covered. In cold weather or storms, you can bring them inside the house. 

Organic elements in your rooms and terraces create an oasis of silence and peace. Doctors recommend insomniacs, depressive and anxious people have lavender and rose in their living space.  

Choose some nice flower pots and planters as homes for your plants.

Planters and weather-resistant art can make your balcony feel like an extension of your accommodation.

Plants and flowers improve a space

Consider incorporating plants and flowers to keep your outdoor living space in full swing. You don’t need a green thumb to grow them. Plus, flowering plants and greens add to the magical charm. Not to mention that this activity allows us to de-stress and recharge. Pinching, deadheading, and all of the general clean up that gives a break from daily routine could turn into a hobby. Seeing your plants grow can be a glimmer of hope, especially when we go through tough times in life.

The good part is you can also effortlessly grow vegetables and fruits in your apartment. All you need are good organic soil, good organic fertiliser, the right size balcony planters, sunlight, and patience. Even if in small quantities, you will consume fresh produce like bell peppers, blueberries, parsley, and pretty much anything you like and can be quickly grown in good conditions. Spinach and lettuce can grow in shadier spots sitting in sunlight for 3 to 5 hours per day, while Chilly thrives in planters placed in sunny places. Here are some of the flowers and edible plants you can grow on your balcony:

  • Flowers: fuchsia, pansy, chrysanthemum, lavender, roses, violas
  • Herbs: basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, coriander
  • Leafy greens: lettuce, salad, spinach, kale, arugula, chard, collards, mustard greens
  • Fruits: lemons, oranges, apples, pomegranates, strawberries
  • Vegetables: cherry tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, radishes, carrots, eggplants

There are some aspects to consider if you want to pair up veggies in large containers or grow them near to each other:

  • Spinach can grow paired with onions and chard
  • Lettuce does well with thyme, basil, and rosemary
  • Tomatoes go with onions, basil, and garlic
  • Beans can be cultivated with aubergine, squash, and carrots

To avoid a failure, avoid planting the following plants near one another:

  • Beans and onion or garlic
  • Fennel with carrots
  • Potatoes and squash with tomatoes
  • Peas and onions with beans 

Create a dining area

Setting cosy dining areas up is excellent for when the weather is nice. For example, if you happen to like rainy days, make sure you cover your balcony with objects like ceiling covers or large umbrellas. These are repellent to birds and protect you from the heat, rain, sunlight, and sunburns while bringing privacy.  

If your balcony is not that spacious, add a tiny table to avoid making it feel narrow. Having comfy and chic foldable chairs and coffee tables requires a little bit of research. Look at the weight the foldable patio chairs can hold to ensure you don’t overload and break them.

Built-in settings are brilliant practical ideas for any balcony size. Add an outdoor rug for when it is cold, and opt for floor pillows if you know the weather doesn’t damage them. 

If you like late-night hangouts with friends or beloved ones, add some extra light. Fairy and string lights can be the most elegant and mood uplifting go-to for interiors and outdoor spaces. You can even design a spot for cocktails. No matter how you like spending your time, have music on hand and an ambient chillout lounge relaxing playlist to create a more intimate atmosphere.

Ants, mosquitos, flies, and everything that crawls and bugs can be the biggest bummer when sitting outside, but with precaution and the right products, it doesn’t have to be a problem. 

Extra tips!

Reading, meditation and exercise are healthy occupations. You can still lounge around while scrolling your feed if you’re not into these hobbies. If you like camping and spending time in nature, and your city is not that noisy at night, arrange a napping space for the warm summer days and have some blankets and pillows put aside.

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