How to Help Children and Teens Manage Their Stress

Adolescence is a stage in a person’s life that occurs between the ages of 11 and 17, as young people move towards the transition into adulthood. During this time ‘stressful’ situations increase as pressure mounts at school in the form of more tests and exams.

Hormonal alterations are causing changes in the physical and mental qualities of individuals throughout this time period. During this stage, it may be compared to “bare wires,” which are particularly sensitive to any changes. In turn, young people can become hypersensitive, quick-tempered, prone to mood swings, and prone to being easily upset as a result of this experience – psychologists all agree that this is quite normal in most cases.

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  1. Physiological changes in the body. Individuals whose puberty manifests itself sooner than usual are more likely to feel stress as a result of their reluctance to accept and accept their “new bodies,” according to research.
  2. Moral and physical pressure from peers.  Bullying, clique formation, and the search for “enemies” are all frequent occurrences during adolescence.
  3. Changing the living place. As the result of a relocation, the child will have to say goodbye to his or her old friends and will be separated from his or her classmates for a length of time.
  4. Family problems. Teenagers may place guilt on themselves for family problems like as divorce, sickness, or the death of a loved one, among other things.
  5. Unrequited love. Teenagers sometimes believe that their first love is “love for life.»
  6. Problems at school. In addition, parents and teachers who set unrealistic expectations on their children’s academic progress might be a cause of worry for them.

According to psychologists, children who are overweight or obese are more prone to be shy and self-conscious as a result of their physical appearance. Consequently, parents must make an extra effort to ensure that their children are shown love and support.


  • Increased feelings of tiredness, sadness, and apathy;
  • a sharp increase in appetite, the transition to sweet and fatty foods;
  • dissatisfaction with their own looks, extensive skin care, attempts to shed weight or “pump up” are all examples of self-esteem issues;
  • when parents show an interest in what he’s been up to:
  • a precipitous drop in academic achievement, as well as a lack of enthusiasm in studies and interests;
  • the solitude of an adolescent, as well as his or her distance from family and friends;
  • a significant drop in self-esteem, the appearance of a lack of confidence in one’s own capabilities.


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Even in early school, learning may be a difficult task. When the deadline for the final exams approaches, the nervous system is put to the test. Everything from academics to parents puts a great deal of pressure on teens, and their transitional age, arguments with classmates, and first love all contribute to the situation.

1. Admit the problem.

The first step is to avoid putting off dealing with the problem. As a parent, you should not pretend that everything is fine and expect that the symptoms of stress will go away on their own. If you notice signs of stress in an adolescent, such as exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, poor eating and sleeping habits, or a lot of crying, you should seek professional help. It is preferable to speak directly to your child about the issue rather than ignoring it; you should explain what stress is and how it is typical for many people to experience it when they are under a great deal of strain. Begin addressing the current situation with one another as soon as possible.

2. Get serious.

Parents frequently dismiss adolescent issues. Many dismiss the issue as trivial, pointing out that despite the multiple challenges students face, no one has ever died while taking an exam. The boys, on the other hand, take their problems very seriously and deal with them, in the same manner, their parents do, replete with “adult” issues. For many students, these are their first contacts with these issues, and failing a test is as heart-breaking as being rejected or refused an interview. Stress, on the other hand, can be fatal. As a result, parents must show empathy for their children’s condition.

3. Identify the cause of stress.

When studying for examinations, even a single load of work might be difficult. Parents, on the other hand, must quickly determine if their child is experiencing additional difficulties in the classroom. A student’s condition and development can both be harmed by conflict with other students or instructors, bullying, and difficulty with specific topics. It’s a good idea to sit down with him/her and speak about what’s causing the tension, as well as possible solutions.

4. Learn to plan things

Stress levels can be considerably reduced via thoughtful preparation. Teaching a teenager how to break down his/her responsibilities into smaller, more manageable chores based on time and opportunity is a worthwhile investment of time in the near future. That way, you can take stock of your workload, and finish what’s due when it’s due without having to scramble for a whole week’s worth of work in one evening. As a result, anxiety in teens diminishes since they no longer have the impression that a never-ending list of duties “hangs” over them.

5. Prioritise

If in a normal environment it is preferable to encourage students to strive for more, then in a stressful moment it is crucial to emphasise the essentials and leave out anything else. It’s a good idea to take a step back and figure out what’s most urgent and what can be put off for a long. A report on a non-core subject can be produced while studying for a test, which means that vocal training might be interrupted. Otherwise, attempting to hold on to everything at once might lead to a rise in stress and tension as well as a decrease in the ability to focus on the most important issues.

6. Maintain the right lifestyle

It is common for teenagers to miss meals and sleep during times of stress. In addition, full-fledged training becomes nearly impossible for them during these times. In difficult times, it is crucial to maintain a healthy and well-rested body so that it can resist greater stress, perform at its best, and cope with the stresses of life. Parents should ensure that the student’s eat well, exercise dally and don’t stay up too late.

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