If babies could text

Baby 1

Yo, yo, how’s it going?

Erm…Baby 2 are you receiving me, over?

Baby 2

Sorry, couldn’t reach the phone, the old girl had it in her pocket

Baby 1

No worries – did you see that thing on FB this morning about Baby 3? Why would you want anyone to see that?

Baby 2

No, missed it – climbed over the old girl’s head to check my FB this morning and the phone was dead – she didn’t even plug it in last night! Doh!

Baby 1

Oh man, that’s rough – how did you cope?

Baby 2

I consoled myself by sucking on her boobs for a bit and then bit her really hard just to remind her who wears the trousers around here – IYKWIM


Baby 1

Lol – you are such a bad ass!

Baby 2

Lol – I know right, I’ve learnt from the professionals – these big ones have set the bar high but I just do this cool thing with a hat and she laughs again! ROFL

Baby 1

So what you up to today?

Baby 2

Oh, you know, same old same old really – eat a bit, sleep a bit, suck on some boobs for a bit, what about you?

Baby 1

Sounds awesome bud, yeah I’ll be doing the same, although I am going to try and put a few of those circle shapes into the square holes and see how that goes

Baby 2

Good plan, I’ll do the same and whoever gets it done first buys the next round of rice cakes! I reckon there is a way you can do it, just keep turning it around until it works

Baby 1


Baby 2


Baby 1

Yes – whoops soz, put the phone in my mouth – mmmm tastes good and makes cool noises, you should try it!

Baby 2

Sure will – that’s one for later tonight – PAW

Baby 1

Yes! get in…the old girl says I can watch Peppa Pig on her phone whilst she puts that paint stuff on her face – ROFL

Baby 2

Cool! Nice one, remember to search You Tube for other cool stuff whilst you’re there – she will just think you pressed a load of random buttons anyway, I never get in trouble

Baby 1

Will do buddy – I might call Baby 2,345 in Hong Kong whilst I’m at it, she’s always good for a LMAO. Anyway, laters buddy…BOL

Baby 2

No worries, I’m off to eat some LEGO and look for that remote control – the one with the boobies wants her phone to send an email! BOL


Ever wondered what babies would say if they could text or what’s app? Now you know!

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  1. Haha, I like it! It would certainly help if babies could text us to tell us what the hell they’re on about or what they want. Baby L’s a big fan of mobile phones too – mine’s now really scratched and sticky thanks to her explorations!

  2. This is brilliant and totally just made my morning and smile. It would be definitely along those lines for sure. Thank you for linking up to Share With Me and I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round. #sharewithme

  3. Haha, hilarious post. With the way kids are nowadays, I don’t think it’ll be long before babies actually are texting each other. #sharethejoy

  4. Pingback: Friday Frolics

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