Keeping home appliances clean

Do you make time to regularly clean your home appliances? I’ve considered paying someone to do it for me or using a company like Cleaners of London, but it always seems like an unnecessary expense. Although domestic & house cleaning services in South Wales are said to be well worth it!

It’s one of those jobs that I do put off but then when I finally get around to it – well then it feels like quite an achievement! Small wins right?

My least favourite job is cleaning the oven – I literally HATE doing that. The washing machine and dishwasher are always pretty straight forward, whilst the iron has always caused me a problem, having just bought a self-cleaning one, I’m hoping that helps!

cleaning your home appliances

How about you? Britain is a nation lacking in hygiene when it comes to home appliances, according to research. A survey of 1,015 UK adults carried out by leading household appliances retailer,, revealed an overwhelming 71% of those surveyed said they don’t regularly clean their home appliances.

When quizzed on how often Brits clean their home, the data revealed it is the washing machine which is cleaned the least. In fact, Britons clean the washing machine just once per year on average, according to the research. I am quite surprised by this to be honest as I find the washing machine quite easy to clean and given we abuse it so much, it’s in our interests to keep it nice and clean.

Cleaning the oven came in second place, as respondents said they do this appliance twice per year. I would agree here as I hate cleaning the oven. I’ve considered paying someone to do it for me but it always seems like an unnecessary expense.

cleaning home appliances

This was followed by the dishwasher which is cleaned three times per year and the fridge which is cleaned eight times per year. Again the dishwasher I find pretty easy to clean. The fridge is a pain, but I don’t find it especially time consuming.

The microwave rounded off the list of the top five appliances that are cleaned the least in the home, only 21 times per year. I think that’s pretty straightforward, as most of the time a quick flick inside is all you need with the microwave.

More than 1 in 3 (34%) admitted that they hire a professional to do this cleaning work for them. 23% of Brits revealed that this lack of cleaning means their appliances are replaced frequently.

cleaning your home appliances

The Top Five Least Cleaned Appliances in The Home:

  1. Washing Machine – once per year
  2. Oven – twice per year
  3. Dishwasher – 3 times per year
  4. Fridge – 8 times per year
  5. Microwave – 21 times per year

Does this match with what happens in your house? What about cleaning your stainless steel appliances?


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