The Magic of Santa

Hands up who loves Christmas? You are probably thinking that it’s only October, why is she talking about Christmas? Christmas needs to be planned for though doesn’t it, especially with a family, as Christmas is an expensive time.

Whilst it’s not always about giving expensive gifts, for me it is about creating and maintaining the magic – and we all love a bit of magic right?

I’ve always loved Christmas, I loved it as a child, and into adulthood, but now I’m a parent I love it even more.

There is something truly wonderful about watching the look on a child’s face on Christmas Day, but of course Christmas Day is only part of it really. The bit I love most is the build up to Christmas and all the preparation.

Lots of parents take their children to meet Father Christmas, hoping each year he’s going to be a good one. It’s always hit and miss with who you get, but last year we went to Lapland UK and it was truly magical, even I was convinced he was the real Father Christmas.

One of the ways we can maintain magic for our children at this special time of year is by asking Father Christmas to write one of his Magic Santa Letters. There are lots of different options depending on how much you wish to personalise the letter how much you wish to spend and also the nature of your family setup.

letter from santa

Prices range from £3.99 to £7.99 depending on what your choose but we are pleased to be able to offer you 30% off if you use code CP30OFF at the checkout. Make Christmas that extra bit more special and have one of these lovely letters complete with magical reindeer food, a certificate, a door hanger and colouring sheets.

It can be hard for parents to try and keep the magic alive but the Magic Santa Letter can help this year!

Now…can I have one too?


  1. This is such a lovely idea for my girls for Christmas. It will really make the magic of Christmas and Santa feel so real for them!

  2. i love the colour of the paper makes it look different to normal white paper you see around making it extra special x

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