Toning the pelvic floor with the Leg Master

Pelvic floor exercises were something I was fanatical about during all my pregnancies. I trained myself to do them every time I stopped at traffic lights. It was my way of making sure I got them into my day without it having to be something else extra to fit in.

It can be really hard trying to explain to someone else how to do pelvic floor exercises correctly. There are all sorts of devices out there to try and help with this but what if you could exercise and train your pelvic floor correctly at the same time.

Things that tick more than one box are always a winner in my eyes. I’ve recently been trying out the Leg Master to see if it did the job.

About the Leg Master

The Leg Master is essentially a piece of home gym equipment. The Leg Master® Total Body (£89.95) is available from – it uses your own body weight to improve pelvic floor health through classic strength training and delivers a full body workout, also improving posture.

Pelvic Floor health is essential not only for women who have had babies – but for everyone (men included!), and one beneficial side effect of The Leg Master® Total Body is that the muscles used to control ‘incontinence’ are strengthened, and tightened.

Using the Leg Master

The Leg Master is ridiculously easy to set up, taking less than five minutes to get it up and running. Perfect for those of us living in that modern day manic mode.

This is perfect if you are short on time or short on space. You don’t need much space at all to have this set up at home. It isn’t a huge piece of home gym equipment requiring its own room.

With regards to pelvic floor health and strength, it is recommended that you only need to use this machine for 1 minute every day. The key is the consistency not the duration of time. That said it is so easy, you can easily do way more than this each day.

Does it work?

I can’t make any big claims like this machine will 100% fix your pelvic floor, but that’s only because I’ve been training my own for years, religiously, so I was starting from a reasonably good place.

I do wish that I’d had this machine 15 years ago though, as I 100% think this would have made life easier. I can feel a difference since using the machine and there are plenty of reviews from people who have struggled with their pelvic floor who have notice a dramatic difference in a short space of time from using the Leg Master.

You can feel this working right away. I mean literally after 30 seconds on the machine you can tell it’s working out your pelvic floor. Don’t expect to be out of breath or feel like you’ve had a big work out, that’s not what this machine is about. This is more about toning. As you squeeze your legs together you tone your pelvic floor, and of course, as a a bonus, your inner thighs and bum as well.

This is so easy to use. Hop on when you have a spare five minutes or use it as part of your break when working from home. You could even use it whilst watching TV! I’m totally hooked, I love it, and the children do too! There are loads of videos on You Tube that you can follow along with for lots of tips and pointers.

Other than the Leg Master and Kegel exercise, there are also other effective ways to strengthen the pelvic floor if you have access to a gym. For instance, exercises that work the abdominal and gluteal muscle groups like the leg press or reverse lunge.

This is a collaborative article.

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