What makes you smile?

Do you ever give much thought to what makes you smile?

According to a study the average UK adult smiles 11 times EVERY DAY, or more than 232,000 times over their lifetime. Does that sound like you? Do you smile more or less than that do you think? And do you visit the dentist regularly to keep your teeth bright and healthy? If not, be sure to visit https://www.signaturesmilesct.com/windsor to book an appointment today.What makes you smile?

The top 4o things that make us smile

1. Sunny weather – 50%

2. Getting a compliment from a stranger – 48%

3. Looking back at old photographs – 44%

4. Receiving a discount at the till – 39%

5. Finding a fiver down the back of the sofa – 38%

6. When someone holds a door open for you – 37%

7. Hearing a baby laugh/seeing them smile – 37%

8. Getting a nice message from a loved one – 35%

9. Receiving a hug – 35%

10. Seeing an old couple holding hands – 33%

11. When someone with a trolley full of shopping lets you go before them – 32%

12. Finding a fiver in an old pair of trousers – 32%

13. When your favourite song comes on the radio – 31%

14. Getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets – 29%

15. Ticking everything off your to-do list – 28%

16. Chocolate – 28%

17. Being surprised with flowers or chocolate – 28%

18. Seeing any type of baby animal – 25%

19. Finding a bargain in the sales – 25%

20. Receiving a thank you card in the post – 24%

21. When an internet purchase arrives in the post – 24%

22. Having the house to yourself – 23%

23. Fitting in to clothes you thought were too small – 22%

24. Watching your favourite film – 22%

25. Seeing dogs stick their head out of car window – 22%

26. Tax rebates – 22%

27. Singing along to music in the car – 21%

28. Your football team winning – 21%

29. Having the TV to yourself – 21%

30. Waking up at the weekend and realising you don’t have to go to work – 21%

31. Finding a parking space first time – 20%

32. Seeing your children win something – 19%

33. Ice cream – 19%

34. Having a hot bath after a long day – 19%

35. A good hair day – 19%

36. Home time after a day at work – 19%

37. Getting a nice comment on social media – 18%

38. Receiving a massage from your partner – 17%

39. Putting your slippers on after being on your feet all day – 16%

40. Being greeted by your dog – 16%

How many of these top 40 things ring true for you?

What the study showed

According to the study by OnePoll.com, eight out of ten of us are confident enough to smile at strangers – with most of us happy to grin at someone we don’t know eight times a day, on average. Do you do this?

However, apparently two of our 11 daily smiles are FALSE, with a miserable one in ten Brits claiming they don’t like to smile. It’s also emerged that around half of us admit we don’t smile as much as we could do, and a massive 75% wish everyone smiled more often.

Using this research, Moshulu has developed The Smile Scale, which has scored each type of smile depending on how happy it makes us feel. The goal is thought to be 7 a day – much like the 5 a day fruit and veg rule.


what makes you smile


For further information, please visit: www.moshulu.co.uk/the-smile-scale


What do you think? Are you reaching the 7 a day goal?

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