What makes you smile?

what makes you smile

Do you ever give much thought to what makes you smile? According to a study the average UK adult smiles 11 times EVERY DAY, or more than 232,000 times over their lifetime. Does that sound like you? Do you smile more or less than that do you think? And do you visit the dentist regularly […]

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Easy first aid for children

first aid

Knocks, bumps, scratches and cuts are a normal part of childhood. As parents we deal with lots of these in the first years of our children’s lives. I don’t think it gets easier necessarily, but you do come to realise that you can’t prevent these things from happening and that really it is a natural […]

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Common emotions in motherhood


Motherhood is a beautiful thing. Being a mother, you are constantly filled with mixed emotions. Feelings before becoming a mummy and those afterwards are totally different. Whilst motherhood gives you a tremendous feeling of joy and happiness, there will be many challenging moments along the way too. For most people, most of the time, the […]

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