What to expect from a holiday in Orlando

Have you been to Orlando with your family before? Orlando is a hugely popular travel destination for families, with so much to see and do, it’s one of those sort after travel destinations. So what can you expect from a family holiday in Orlando?

Expect to have crazy amounts of fun

Whether you are cruising the many theme parks, meeting Disney characters or the Marvel gang, splashing around in the water parks, swimming with Dolphins at Discovery Cove, taking a trip on an airboat, or hanging out with your favourite celebrities at Madame Tussauds; expect to have crazy amounts of fun with your family.

You’ll take millions of photos of all your crazy antics no doubt and probably do things you’ve never done before – it’s all part of the Orlando experience.

Discovery Cove

Expect to queue

Whilst Orlando is vast and you can absolutely find open space and take time out if you hunt for it, all the major attractions will mean queues. You can dodge them to some extent and there are websites that give you an indication of which attraction is heaving when, but, queuing is inevitable in Orlando.

Have a few things to keep everyone busy in queues and work out a few games that you can play to pass the time when it is busy.

One way to avoid the queues is to get to the parks early. In fact be at the parks before they open. The smallest crowds of the day are between the time the park opens and about noon. You can actually ride rides like Toy Story Mania, Space Mountain, Soarin, and Expedition Everest, without a wait during the first 30 minutes of the day. These rides typically have two-hour lines by mid-afternoon.

So, take breakfast with you and get up and out ASAP!

Expect to be tired

Orlando is one of those places where you feel like you have to be on the go the whole time. You are trying to cram as much in together as you can before you have to head home, so you don’t want to slow down, in case you miss something.

raw motherhood

That in itself is exhausting – you can try and schedule in some ‘chill time’ but when we went, we held off until we got home and then recovered as we didn’t want to waste our time their resting.

Expect to feel as if you haven’t got enough time – you probably haven’t

Orlando is one of those places where you will never get to do everything. If you aren’t careful then you can be left feeling disappointed, not because you haven’t had fun but because there is still so much more to do.

You’ll be planning your return trip before the plane has touched down on the tarmac!

Expect to stay somewhere amazing

Orlando is full of amazing accommodation. Whether you stay in one of the Disney Hotels or your own private villa with a pool, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. Everything about Orlando has that little touch of magic, you don’t have to be in The Magic Kingdom to find that.

Contempo Homes have some stunning villas, or your could be having character breakfasts at one of the park hotels.

Orlando Villas

Expect not to want to come home

Bottom line, you won’t want to come home, but you will have made memories to last a lifetime and spent quality time all together. What more could you ask for from a holiday?

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