Did you do sports as a child? Were you part of a club? Did you attend regular activities? Did you have swimming lessons?
Before I go any further with this, I fully appreciate and acknowledge that many parents simply can’t afford to give their children these opportunities. There are many parents who would love their children to attend a range of clubs, but just can’t justify the costs.
I will also say that there are also lots of parents who sacrifice other things in life in order that their children can attend such clubs.
There are the parents who over-schedule their children and sign them up to everything going, kitting them out fully by week two, only to be onto the next thing two weeks later.

There are parents who take children to sports clubs but complain about the cost and the time it takes. I get it, I really do. I fully understand the struggle financially and practically to juggle the sports of multiple children during an already jam packed week. I have absolutely had FFS moments as I race from one activity to another, throw four kids in the car just to make sure one of them can get to training, and address cries of ” I’m hungry, thirsty, need a wee” from the back seat. I have absolutely questioned (multiple times) if my headless chicken act is worth it.
Its tough. Supporting your children to attend sports clubs and activities is tough. It’s tough financially, practically, logistically, and it can be incredibly draining – but, there’s a big but I want to share with you, the benefits far outweigh these other things.
As a young child I did ballet, tap, gymnastics, swimming and horse riding. Until I was 8 I didn’t have any siblings, so this didn’t involve a considerable juggle for my parents but it was of course expensive. By age 10 my ballet teacher told my mum I needed to choose between horses or dance as my horse riding was negatively affecting my dancing (in her opinion). For me there was no contest, the horses won. I much preferred being outside and getting messy. I carried on with the gymnastics and swimming for a few more years alongside this.

As any parent of a horse rider will tell you, horse riding is a VERY expensive hobby. The kit and the lessons are not cheap. My parents supported my love of riding from the age of 4 to 17. A lesson a week, show entries and all the kit. Let’s just say they were glad I wasn’t a twin!
From the age of 6 I spent the entire weekend at the stables helping out, mucking out the horses, grooming them, helping out during lessons, caring for the goats they had there, preparing feeds and so on – along with a group of other horse mad kids.
When I left, aged 17 I honestly felt quite sad and deflated. In those 11 years I had given up my weekends to help I’d received around 5 free rides. I felt like I’d been taken advantage of. As an adult I don’t feel like that at all. Don’t get me wrong, I think stables who have these arrangements are getting a ton of free labour, but now as an adult I can tell you that my time at the stables was well spent.

The experiences, the life lessons, the friendships, the challenges, the opportunities to help others, the problems I had to work out, the fears I had to overcome, the fresh air…all of it, helped to shape the person I am today. The concept of giving up my time to help someone else and not receiving payment for it has stayed with me my entire life. Because what you gain isn’t always financial.
I frequently try not to think about how much money I’ve spent on my own children’s sports clubs, but, it’s a lot. I’ve been asked why I pay for them to do what they do and why I spend the bulk of my week transporting them to and from these clubs.

I discussed this recently with a friend. We debated the financial cost of all the things our children take part in and the time it takes up, and also the juggle, but…there was always a but.. but it’s worth it we concluded.
I don’t think it has anything to do with the type of sport they do. I personally don’t care what sport they do, just that they do sport. I’m not trying to live out some weird unfulfilled dream of my own through my kids, as I know some parents are.
I pay for my children to learn to take care of their body and their equipment. For the friendships they make and the experiences they have. For them to understand that friendships can exist outside of school, that there is a whole other world out there.

I do this for them to understand that things in life don’t always come easy. That sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but that each time you lose you gain a bit more resilience, so you never really lose at all.
I race around from club to club so they comprehend how it feels to be totally physically exhausted from pushing their bodies hard. I sit in the car catching up on work whilst they train, so they have the opportunity to become focused, disciplined and committed.
I rinse and repeat every week so they understand that you can’t just quit when something gets hard. That beyond the hard bit is where they get better, fitter, stronger, more capable.

I pay for clubs so my children are engaged in meaningful activities, rather than hanging about on street corners or locked away in their bedrooms playing computer games.
I support my children to attend sports clubs so they can learn how to be focussed, dedicated and disciplined – and to see how these traits serve them in other aspects of life.
I’ve juggled babies, toddlers, pushchairs, baby carriers and sports equipment on the side-lines, so my children can learn to be good team mates, celebrate success and learn from defeats.
I persist in my support so my children can learn to deal with situations that don’t go their way and, so they are able to champion the success of others.
I value the sports they are part of because their time there builds a respect for others, and gives them other adult authority figures in their lives – other voices to listen to, and a sense of belonging to something bigger than just them or their family.

I spend time and money on my children’s sports to teach them that you have to work hard, persevere, get back up when you fall and push yourself in life to reach goals. I am fully aware that from the outside looking in I probably look deranged a lot of the time. I will also say that I welcome the break when one of the sports has a holiday. Most of all though, I genuinely believe that the bigger picture overrides all of this – because it’s not just about keeping them fit, it’s about so much more!
What a positive post! The effort – and pleasure – of genuine support for children’s sport is a wonderful investment both in the present and the future.
i was useless at sports due to disablites i was put down and discourage by every from teachers , freinds and my family. I am so gald there is a different way of thinking these days
Well done you ! Children really do benefit from these clubs – teaches so many valuable lifeskills and builds confidence too
I used to love my swimming and Brownies. My step son loves going to Cubs and I hope that in the future my children can enjoy clubs as much as I did. They’re incredibly important
Mine do football, swimming & martial arts, I think it’s good for them
My girls have learnt their strengths and weaknesses through sports. My eldest has ASD, ADHD, DCD, hypermobility so she REALLY struggles when it comes to sport. However she does karate and loves it. Yes she struggles and it may take her longer but the structure of it she loves. My youngest loves swimming and cheerleading she knows she is strong and I feel that whilst everyone is different it’s wonderful for them to feel empowered by their abilities.
Mine don’t currently do any. They are on a wait list to start swimming lessons and they are very excited about that. They have previously both done football but haven’t enjoyed it. I think it’s so important for them.
Not all children are academic and need a chance to shine elsewhere plus widening friendship group is always a good thing
Love being able to get my kids involved with a few different clubs as I never had that chance growing up! But always worry they’ll take it for granted but as long as they’re happy, learning new things and making friends that’s all that’s important!
My son has just started school and is loving PE. I’ll be getting into some sort of sport club when he can decide what sport he likes most.
I’m a big believer of children taking up sport after school or weekends, it can open up a whole new friendship group outside of school
I myself was a morris dancer then changed to entertaining which is a mix of morris and cheerleading. Every weekend from April to September we would take part in dance competitions
Now I have my own dance troupe for local children
My nephew would be lost without his after school activities – children need to try lots of different things to find their passions
My Daughter has ADHD so sticking to anything for long and being able to focus is challenging. We have carefully selected a few activities that complement her intrests that she enjoys and have landed on Brownies one evening and Yoga on a Sat morning. It’s perfect for her i couldn’t push it anymore as her ADHD is incompatible with a hectic schedule but i feel she is gaining from what she is doing and learning life skills too.
We really try to encourage all our children to do sports activities as I think it helps their self confidence
It massively helps them to learn to be part of a team and show empathy to each other during the highs and lows of team sports
I do agree with this. After all, if children don’t have a try at various sports and activities they will never know the one they really excel in.
Yes I agree although it is difficult sometimes the reards can be great for the child!
Absolutely, I was never very good at sport but am grateful my family gave me the opportunities to try. Now with my own children I’m trying to find the balance between making sure they have these opportunities too and ensuring we continue to have valuable family time.
My Son loves sport and will have a go at anything
My grandson loves sports activities, especially being in a football team
Mine do swimming. Not all children are academic and need other way to shine. Find the right thing for them and they will love it.
My kids love swimming and always enjoy any sort of sports clubs.
I love running and swimming i was always ot on my bike and rollerskates
What a lovely post. Thanks
My eldest is at primary school and outside of school I pay for him to do swimming and beavers (junior scouts). Sometimes it’s a struggle to pay but especially with swimming I think that’s a life skill. One day that might save his life when I can’t be next to him. The beavers he says he enjoys because it’s fun and he learns things. He was lacking confidence and I think that has helped to boost his confidence. So that’s why I continue.
I am constantly driving one of my 3 kids to something or other! Between them they do swimming lessons, Cubs, Rainbows, Musical Theatre, orchestra, violin lessons and rugby!
I think it’s really important they have as many opportunities as possible, but only if they enjoy them!
I used to love gymnastics when I was young. My foster son loves swimming and playing football
Children really do benefit from sports and activities and learn lots of valuable life lessons whilst enjoying themselves too, great post thanks for sharing
Wow, the post is really nice. I just love reading information and blogs about sports.
great post, very interesting
I think its important to find a sport each child enjoys then they will want to go regardless of how tired they are after a busy day at school x
It definitely does help shape the person they become. My daughter has been through ballet and swimming but unfortunately they were both making her really unhappy. We are now onto choir and she loves it!
A great article , my children have tried lots of different sports and clubs to find what they enjoy.
Great positive post! Definitely agree with you
Yes great to do sports as a child and then it will carry on into adulthood!
Fantastic article! Some great tips to take away.
Fantastic article – you are so right about the importance of sports clubs and activities
I so agree with your views and attitude and I know that you are doing the right thing for your children. After all, if they don’t try the various sports, how are they going to know which ones they are good at?
We recently went through out budget and a huge chunk goes on the children’s extracurricular activities. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth the huge cost but then they get so much out of it.
I loved swimming and running my daughter likes swimming but can’t stand running
Couldn’t agree more! My little one is only 4 but we are out as much as possible being active and when h starts school I’ll be signing him up for lots of activities
Definitely agree I’m always encouraging my kids to get involved in more physical activities ❤️
Totally agree – very true
Fab tips. Getting a try of all sports is a good idea. My kids love badminton – just knocking it around.
My eldest son is on the spectrum and really benefits from going to cubs, hes found his social group through this making friendships with children who have the same interests.
Interesting, thanks!
Wish I had kept up swimming after primary school
all those hormones need directing somewhere
I found learning to swim very difficult and then the local baths offered free lessons everyday for two weeks in the school holidays, I was about 12, the instructor even got in with me which was fabulous, I am not very good, but at least now I can swim.
Very true how important clubs outside of school are.