Christmas wish list

Do you have a Christmas wish list this year? Mine normally fall into three categories:

The most important things:

  • That everyone is healthy
  • For us all to be together
  • To be at home
  • That we all enjoy some quality time together
  • That we have fun as a family

The things I always ask for and never get (this is the impossible list)

  • Snow over the entire Christmas period
  • A lottery win – maybe I should buy a ticket first!
  • For Santa to extend the day by at least 10 hours (that’s every day, not just at Christmas)
  • To grow another six pairs of arms
  • To wake up a superhero
  • To be headhunted by MI6 (SIS) for international spy work that I can take on with my four mini spies in tow (they have been training since birth)


The things that would be quite nice to have

  • A stash of bubble bath and a few minutes each week to lie in it
  • Some jeans without holes in
  • Some underwear that doesn’t scream “she’s had four babies!!!!”
  • Some nice boots that look good but are practical for the school run and dashing after two toddlers – I love these knee length casual boots  by Jones Bootmaker and I think I would pretty much live in them, although I’m a little bit in love with these ankle boots too!
  • A subscription to Riverford Organic Recipe Boxes for date nights in
  • Some hair accessories that can actually hold very long, heavy hair
  • Entry to my next marathon
  • The next seasons of Scandal and Homeland, because if I can’t be an international spy I need to get my kicks somehow

What do you want for Christmas?

You Baby Me Mummy
Post Comment Love


  1. Hehehe love this. The ability to clone myself is something I’d like in my stocking lol! And I’m with you with the Riverford subscription. LOVE their boxes so much

  2. Funny list! My vote is for the one about the boots. Why are boots that are perfect for running after little ones not cute and the cute ones not practical for running after children? #TheList

  3. Aww great list! I too want a winning lottery ticket, but never get round to buying one ever! I have never tried a Riverford box before but I have heard good things about them #PoCoLo

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