5 Podcasts that will change your life

Do you listen to podcasts? I started listening to podcasts on Spotify during lockdown, mainly as a way to escape the feeling of groundhog day when it came to trying to juggle work and home schooling. I tried to make a point of listening to something whilst exercising (even if it was sometimes just laps around the garden), or as I cleaned or de-cluttered. I tried to listen first thing in the morning as I found this set me up for the day and I tried to listen to a range of podcasts on multiple topics.

Whilst this habit was established during lockdown, I like to think of it as a ‘COVID-keeper’ – quite simply, it’s a habit that I’ve kept since COVID.

The beauty of podcasts is that you can pretty much find a podcast on anything you like. I’ve listened to all sorts. Some good, some not so good and some incredible! I thought I’d share with you some of my favourites and why I like them.

The Diary of a CEO: Steven Bartlett

If I had to pick a single podcast out of all of those available on my Spotify account, hands down I would choose The Diary of a CEO. I can’t recall how exactly I came about this podcast, but I’m so glad I did. I’ve listened to the bulk of the (at the time of writing this) 239 episodes and learnt something important from each of those.

There are some fascinating interviews on there but part of the appeal is the way that Steven asks the questions AND the type of questions he asks. He has a rather unique way of getting really useful information out of his guests, and it makes each interview captivating.

TIP: There are some big names on this podcast, many names you will know and some you won’t. My tip would be to listen whether you know the person or not. I have learnt all sorts from guests on there I have either never heard or those I thought wouldn’t interest me. Every interview is valuable on multiple levels.

Feel Better, Live More: Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

Feel Better, Live More is a wonderful podcast. Rangan is so lovely to listen too. His voice alone is very soothing and relaxing and I always feel boosted when I listen to him. There are some fascinating conversations on this podcast. If you are interested in health and wellness and a less medical approach to this, then this podcast is for you.

Rangan is very open and reflective about his own life and experiences which further draws the listener in. Not only is he a fascinating person to listen to, he is a skilled interviewer and structures the conversations with his guest in a really useful way.

TIP: If you are short on time, try listening to the BITESIZE episodes that come out every Friday. These are the key summary points from longer conversations that have taken place on the podcast.

The High Performance Podcast: Jake Humphrey

The High Performance Podcast might at first glance appear that it is just for sports fanatics, but it is so much more than that. I haven’t listened to a single episode that I haven’t taken something useful from. The line of questioning of the guests makes for inspiring and informative learning experiences. My absolute favourite so far was the conversation with Mel Marshall (coach to Adam Peaty), but there are many wonderful and inspiring guests to learn from.

TIP: Even if there is a guest you think is not for you, listen anyway. For example, there is a Tyson Fury conversation on there which I thought really wouldn’t be for me, but I found it incredibly interesting and insightful. You really can learn from anyone.

Happy Place: Fearne Cotton

Happy Place was the first podcast I listened to. I find Fearne Cotton a total joy to listen to if I’m honest. I love her sense of humour, her compassion and her enthusiasm and she’s incredibly infectious to listen to. There are many, many wonderful conversations on Happy Place, you really won’t be disappinted.

TIP: When you’ve listened to all of the current season, go back and listen to your favourite conversations again. You will see that you learn something you missed the first time around.

The Smart 7: Daft Doris

The Smart 7 was a really useful podcast during lockdown as it kept me updated with the news and the goings on in the world without getting me bogged down or depressed in the detail. It remains a fantastic way to consume important news on a daily basis, without feeling like it is taking over your life.

TIP: Set it as you morning alarm, so you get your daily news as you wake up to start your day!

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