5 uses for Childs Farm Nappy Cream that has nothing to do with babies bottoms

We’ve been using Childs Farm products for a few years now with the children. One of the children has quite severe eczema and another has sensitive skin, so it’s just always been easiest to use the Childs Farm products on all of the children so there are never any mix ups.

The Childs Farm range is the only range of children’s toiletries that we have found not to adversely affect eczema.

One of the products we hadn’t used until recently is the Childs Farm Nappy Cream. I’ve had it at the back of the cupboard but not having any children in nappies any longer it had never been opened.

I have, however, recently discovered several uses for this cream – uses that have nothing to do with babies bottoms!

treating eczema with childs farm


One of the children has had a pretty horrific eczema flair up recently. Over the years we’ve tried a range of products to try and get these flair ups under control, but this time nothing seemed to be working and it was just getting worse and spreading. We’d even tried two different hydrocortisone creams with no change. Coconut oil bandages have worked well before but even that didn’t help on this occasion. A lot of the products designed for eczema actually seem to make things worse and cause additional stinging and irritation, which causes scratching and so the cycle goes on.

I was searching in the cupboard to find something that would calm down the stinging caused by an eczema recommended cream and saw the nappy cream – at this point anything was worth a go.

It didn’t sting and was calming and soothing and seemed to stay on the skin for quite a while. After two days there was a noticeable difference in the appearance and texture of the inflamed areas, so I persisted.

The photos below were taken a week apart and you can see the difference in the skin. This has continued to improve every day that we have used the cream since.

5 uses for childs farm nappy cream

Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox can be a nightmare. I had it over Christmas when I was five years old and the photos from that Christmas are all of me covered in spots and white with calamine lotion. There are way more products out there these days to help the itching and different parents recommend different things.

Where it gets tricky is when you have a child with sensitive skin, or eczema prone skin, because many of the products cause additional irritation, which is no good for a child already dealing with Chicken Pox.

I found that combined with regular doses of Piriton, the Childs Farm Nappy Cream was fantastic on the Chicken Pox. You can either smother the child all over in the cream OR spot treat using a cotton bud (will depend how many spots they have).

One of the problems with Chicken Pox is that when children scratch and pick the spots they can become infected and also leave scarring. We had no picking or scratching when we used this cream and it seems to have helped them to heal fairly quickly too.

Cracked heel

Since I was pregnant with my fourth child I have suffered with a cracked heel. It is very annoying, especially in the summer months. I’ve tried a range of things to fix this, including several ‘alternative’ solutions, but nothing has worked.

Some days it isn’t too bad and other days every step causes pain. It seems to go in cycles but not really clear up.

I have been using the Childs Farm Nappy Cream on it recently and although it hasn’t completely gone it’s the best it has been for a long time.

Overnight hand cream

Any parent who is around babies and small children will know that your hands take a battering. You are forever washing your hands for various reasons and using hand sanitizer, which can cause hands to become sore, dry and flaky even. Mine often have that tight feeling and seem really dry.

There are some great hand creams out there which can make a huge difference, but rather than buy something new, you can just use the Childs Farm Nappy Cream.

It works especially well overnight and your hands will thank you in the morning!

Allergic reactions on the skin

Childs farm cures all of this

Many of us end up getting allergic reactions to things, as do our children. It could be a certain food or fabric, or washing powder, or soap, or indeed any number of things. Again, Piriton can work wonders BUT often the reaction may involve an itchy rash somewhere on the body.

Childs Farm Nappy Cream is soothing on a rash like this, keeps the skin nice and soft and stops excessive scratching.

Have you tried the cream before?  We’d love to know what you’ve used it for. Having a single product that can deal with so many things is such a bonus!


  1. What an incredibly useful post. Thank you! My hands get very dry and sore so I will give the nappy cream a try as an overnight hand cream.

  2. Wow I had no idea, would have been great to know when my daughter had chicken pox and nothing we tried worked!

  3. Myself and my son get eczema. The Child’s farm bath and shampoo are great for his skin. Have not tried the nappy cream so will have to try it out.

  4. I normally use bepanthen for any dry patches but have run out, I will definitely try Child’s farm now!

  5. Love the heel and hand cream idea. Need some treatment I. both of these and so will try it starting tonight. Thanks !

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