Do you know who to call in an emergency?

We all know the number to call if we need the police, fire brigade, or an ambulance, and this is also something many of us make sure our children learn from an early age. However, in modern times it’s easy to think that were there any kind of emergency not covered by the 999 emergency services, smartphone technology would save the day.

However, if you suddenly find yourself in an emergency situation, those extra minutes spent hunting on Google for someone in the area who can solve your problem may not be time you really want to spare.

Why not take a few minutes now to fill up a contacts section on your phone with the local emergency numbers you need, and also copy these onto paper? Keep a copy in your car, one in your bag, and one somewhere at home like on the fridge, and you will never be at a loss for the right people to call the moment you have a problem – even if your phone is not to hand.

A Locksmith

While you can take measures to make sure you have a way to get in if your keys are lost or stolen – for example by leaving spares with friends or family members, or keeping a spare set somewhere safe like at your office – there may be times when you can’t get into somewhere like your house or car and need to very urgently, requiring replacement car keys or house keys.

Also, if your keys are ever stolen, or this happens to someone who has one of your spares, you will need to get your locks changed fast. For this reason, you should have the number of a locksmith like on your emergency contact list.

Emergency Dentist

While you can go to hospital with some dental emergencies, having an out of hours number for a dentist you can call if you have acute tooth pain (for example from an abscess) or if there is an accident and one of your family loses or breaks a tooth is a good idea.

A dental emergency can happen anytime and anywhere, so having a good dentist as part of the emergency list can be very convenient even if the toothache isn’t. Before adding their number to the list, ask different dentists for pricing options to know which one will suit the family budget.

Emergency Vet

Obviously, this only applies if you have pets, but making sure you know who to call if they have an emergency is really important, and may even save their life if they are in an accident or have a health issue that needs immediate treatment.

Like humans, pets can get sick at any time, and emergencies often happen after hours. An emergency vet will assist with any problems that may arise concerning pets, but not all of them are equally available.

Check with all the vets in the area to find more than one option should one of them not have availability for appointments during the pet’s time of need.

Emergency Plumber And Electrician

Home emergencies often need to be addressed quickly, so you and your family are not left without heat, water, or power. These kinds of emergencies can strike at any time, so find plumbers and electricians you trust, either because you have used them before or because friends have recommended them, and who answer out-of-hour emergencies, and keep them on your contact list.

Ensure to ask for their qualifications and check that they are registered to assist with the type of problem the home may have. If they’re not knowledgeable in their field, they could do more harm than good.

Breakdown Service

If you drive and have a breakdown policy, make sure you have the number with all of your emergency contacts. Before traveling to a new town or area, find a local breakdown service that can assist.

Not having a reliable tow-in service on the books could have hidden cost implications if one needs to contact someone in the heat of the moment. So, save some money and plan ahead instead.


Of course, your list may not have to include all of these and may also have some extra people on it depending on the kind of things you have in your home that could cause issues. The important thing is to have a list and to make sure you’ll be able to get to it even if you don’t have your smartphone or internet access. It’ll also be good if your children learn these things early for them to also know what to do in times of emergency.

You never know what emergency you will find yourself in, so be prepared for anything life may throw at you by having a copy of your emergency list everywhere you go.


  1. Great read!

    To add to this what I do with my friends is a little group we put together. After one of us got stranded on the side of the road once with a dead battery and no numbers for anyone to call.

    We now always keep a spare charging cable for the phone in the car and also have a special Facebook group chat for emergencies. And all of us respect the fact that if a message goes in the group it means “girls, I need help NOW, please read this!”. It’s been used a few times. Once was when I was locked out of my car and I knew I was close to a girlfriends work so she was able to drive me to my hubbys work that was only 10 mins down the road to get the spare keys.

    Debbie 🙂

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