It is week two of the older two children going into school for a couple of hours. They enjoyed it last week and were keen to get back there again this week.
The school set up is very impressive and school are trying so hard to keep everyone safe and happy. It’s such a shame that so many think that once they step outside the school gates the rules don’t apply. For two weeks now it has been clear that so many children are not applying the social distancing rules outside of the school gates.
Outside of school catch up and check in sessions here are a few of the things we’ve been up to this week.

The boys have been chalking outside on the large chalkboard we made a few weeks back. I was so pleased with how this turned out and it’s a great alternative to chalking on the slabs.
Planting herbs

The three boys have started a herb garden this week, so they’ve been preparing some pots and planting some seeds. They really enjoy doing things like this and watching them grow and change.

There’s been some baking towards the end of the week from our eldest. She’s made a couple of cheesecakes and also a big batch of cup cakes, which she made so the boys could decorate them. She also made some gorgeous stuffed peppers.
Bike riding and skateboarding

With the five mile restriction now lifted in Wales we ventured a little further this week for some bike riding and skateboarding by the sea. We went early before it got too busy and it was really nice to do something a bit different.
Bug hunting

Our littlest has been bug hunting again this week. He loves collecting things and looking at them under his microscope.
What have you been up to this week?