How to plan a city break to Paris

Have you been to Paris before? Paris is a wonderful place to take a city break. There is loads to do and see, lovely places to eat and it’s not too far away from the UK, so you can be there in no time at all.

If Paris is somewhere you are thinking of going, read on for a few tips.

Decide how you are going to get there

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There are several ways of travelling to Paris. You can drive of course, either taking the ferry or the Eurotunnel.

This is a low stress option until you actually arrive in Paris. Paris is not a fun place to drive around, so suss out where you are going to park beforehand.

The Eurotunnel is easy and very fast but obviously it will depend where you live in the UK as to how long the whole trip takes you – it might not be your fastest option.

If you aren’t too restricted by dates and times, this can be a good value way to travel. You can keep an eye on the prices and easily see online which time of day is the cheapest to travel.

You could travel all the way on the train, using the Eurostar. I find this a really good way to travel and it’s really easy and good fun with children too. You will be able to relax and not worry about driving in the city. I first travelled on the Eurostar as a teenager and loved it.

You could also fly if neither of these options appeal to you. Flights to Paris are fairly frequent from most UK airports and generally not too costly, so this might work out as a good value option.

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Once you arrive you can either hop on the metro, or take a taxi to your destination. I find the Paris metro less stressful than the London underground so don’t rule that out. If you are on your own with children I wouldn’t recommend it, but it’s worth considering depending on your circumstances.

Decide where you want to stay

Photo by TravelingTart from Pexels

Where you stay is likely to depend on who you are travelling with, what your needs are and what you want to see and do whilst you are in Paris. Budget is also important, you can pay a lot of money to stay in Paris, or you can go on a budget, so shop around and see what deals you can find.

Travel in style with Voyage Privé and find stunning 4* accommodation, or look elsewhere if they don’t meet your needs. Most sites have features enabled to filter by a range of requirements, or even by distance from a particular place, which can be really helpful.

Before you book, make sure you read some of the reviews about the hotel you’ve selected and pay attention to when these were written.

Decide what you want to see

Photo by Martijn Adegeest from Pexels

There are so many amazing things to do and see in Paris. It’s a fabulous place to just walk around and soak in the atmosphere, and full of culture.

It helps to speak a few words, so brush up on your school French before you leave.

Of course, the most famous of all the Parisian landmarks is the Eiffel Tower. if you haven’t been before it really is a must see bucket list thing to do. It’s located right by the Seine. Take the lift to the top and admire the wonderful views. Even if heights aren’t really your thing, you feel very safe up there!

A boat trip along the Seine would be another great thing to add to your list of things to do whilst in Paris. You get to see the city from a totally different perspective, so it will add a new dimension to your trip.

If you don’t have the children you could head to the Moulin Rouge for a show and some bubbles, or even pop over to Disneyland Paris for the day if you do have the whole family with you.

Photo by Shvets Anna from Pexels

If you fancy seeing the Mona Lisa, head to the Louvre. You can get guided tours in your own language which might be helpful and mean you can take more from the experience.

Make sure to save some time aside to just wander from cafe to cafe, bistro to bistro and just enjoy Parisian life. You can fit this in between visiting places like Versailles Palace and the Arc de Triomphe.

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