Is infertility affecting you?

Is infertility affecting you?

Contrary to what some people think, infertility can happen to anyone, at any age and happens to both men and women.

We kind of all assume that we can have children. We spend so many years trying NOT to get pregnant and then think it will happen when we want it to. For many people it does, for many it does not.

The infographic below was created by the Advanced Fertility Centre. This fertility clinic provides all of the standard infertility specialty testing and treatment services. This includes basic infertility services as well as advanced assisted reproductive technologies (ART) services such as in vitro fertilization – IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection – ICSI, and egg donation.

 is infertility affecting you?

If this is something affecting you, it might be useful to read about the experiences of other families. Unfortunately, being fertile is not the same as just being fit and healthy. Just because you are fit and healthy and take care of yourself doesn’t necessarily mean you are fertile.

Things like your choice of contraception may affect your ability to conceive, but there are a number of factors at play. Try to research as much as you can, speak to others and ask lots of questions along the way.

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