Share With Me #32

Welcome to the Share With Me Blog Hop where I have enjoyed linking up for a long time now myself. After almost three years, the lovely Jenny from Let’s Talk Mommy has decided she needs to pass the reins due to work and family commitments. I’m the lucky girl who now has those reins and feel very flattered that Jenny asked me.

I do hope you will stick with #sharewithme and continue to join in each week. Jenny will be linking when she can and still visiting your lovely blogs I am sure.

Feel free to contact me at @MummyFever or if you need to with any issues.

My favourite post from last week came from Tim at Slouching Towards Thatcham and his 50 photos of Camp Bestival – showing some of the great things about this festival.

The Rules:

  • Please read the rules
  • Link up to TWO posts each week
  • Please add the badge to the posts you link, or a linkback to Mummy Fever
  • Tweet your link to me @MummyFever using the #sharewithme hashtag if you would like and I will RT
  • Comment on the HOST post and at least two others
  • If you get a chance share a couple of other posts via twitter – sharing is caring right?
  • All genres are welcome

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