There are some lovely things available for girls this summer. One of the things I really love are all the strong colours out there this year.
Having seen so many pastels in previous years, the bold colours are very welcome. Even brands who have previously kept themselves to the monochrome look have got on the colour train and added reds and royal blues to their collection. Pastels can look lovely but I’m much more of a fan of all the really bright colours – how about you?
What are you dressing your girls in this summer? Have you seen the gorgeous items over at Strawberry Children? The Tutto Piccolo range is a favourite at the moment. They are still showcasing the pale colours but they’ve also introduced blues, reds and oranges to their collection. Their boys wear probably has more brights, with lots of yellows and bright blues.

I don’t know about you, but I like the children to be dressed in bright colours when we are out, so I can see them more easily. Even just out at the park, it can make a difference on a busy day.
So what else is new for girls this season? Well, there are some brands embracing a bit of a retro look and mixing oranges and browns together for a 70’s inspired vibe. There is also a lot of floral stuff out there this summer for girls.
There are also many more eco brands emerging, so keep your eyes out for more organic and sustainable textiles – do you already purchase items made in this way?
Lots of this years beach cover ups have fringing – I remember when I was about eight years old being desperate for a beach cover up with fringing. All the girls on the campsite I was staying on in France that year with my parents had them and I remember thinking they were fabulous.

There also appears to be lots of sporty styles this summer, with many unisex jogging pants, lots of stripes and rib-cuffed tops and bottoms. I’m really pleased to see all these things as the sporty stuff is so versatile and wears and washes so well.
Whilst ‘pretty’ things are great, pretty doesn’t always mean practical does it? When you have a girl who likes climbing trees practical styles like these are very welcome. The sports wear is still cute and trendy but doesn’t restrict girls from being who they are.
There are accessories galore this summer for girls, from sunglasses, to floral head dresses and pretty much everything in between. Maybe they’d enjoy wearing a boho headband, or perhaps a sequined baseball cap is more their thing? Also there is unicorn everything out there at the moment. What’s that quote? “Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn….then always be a unicorn!” – sounds OK to me!

Have your girls got their own unique style? What sorts of things do they enjoy wearing? We’d love to know in a comment below. Whatever their choice, hopefully we are due some nice summer sun to show it off.