As parents we all want our children to do well. We want to support them to be the best versions of themselves, to work hard and to understand the importance of being self-motivated. The skills they adopt as children and young people can serve them well, not only during their exam years, but in further education and of course adulthood and the world of work.

As parents, we often worry we aren’t doing enough, saying the right things, or even clashing with our children. Ever had a row about homework or revision with your child?
All children are different, how they learn, how they revise and how they approach exams are all different. Do you feel your child, or perhaps you as a parent could benefit from some support in this area? Read on to hear all about The Extraordinaries Club.
The Extraordinaries Club
The Extraordinaries Club is an online hub containing Lucy Parson’s academic coaching signature study skills programme that will help your child to achieve their grades in the best way for them. It gives you on demand access to a library of workshops and downloads that cover everything you need to study successfully. You also get personalised advice from Lucy and her academic coaching team through weekly coaching calls and a members only Facebook group.

Sounds interesting right? This is NOT TUTORING! This ‘club’ is not private or group tuition for individual subjects, it’s academic coaching that will support all areas of learning and subjects for both your child and you as their parent.
It works because your child develops a personalised study system tailored to the way they work, what motivates them and their ambitions.
Our involvement and first thoughts
As a parent of a year 11 child, I want to support my child in the best way I can this year and beyond. We are working with Lucy this academic year to trial her programme and see how it benefits my daughter.
We are only a few weeks into term and my daughter has already completed the first two modules. Our first impressions are that this course is totally suited to her because it reinforces her existing approach to her school work.
I am very fortunate that my daughter is very hard-working and conscientious. She does well in school because she works incredibly hard.
The organisational systems Lucy promotes have been very well received because it fits with the way my daughter approaches her studies anyway. She likes systems and checklists and is willing to invest the time in getting things right, despite having a full schedule.
The main thing I feel I need to point out at this stage is not to be put off by the time required to engage in this programme. My daughter is a competitive swimmer, plays piano and plays for a netball team and she fits Lucy’s club in alongside her normal year 11 homework and revision – Lucy covers timetabling in the programme if this is a concern.
Support for parents
This club is perfect for parents who want to support their children without becoming nags! Let’s be honest, none of us want to nag our children to do anything, we know it’s not productive, it’s not fun and long term it doesn’t work anyway, it just breeds resentment on both sides.
Lucy’s club offers membership to an inspiring combination of practical advice and aspirational encouragement. With Lucy you get the study skills and revision techniques that get students the grades they dream of and coach them to create compelling university applications that simply can’t be ignored.
The dashboard is super easy to navigate for parents and children and there is a wealth of information available at your fingertips.
Parents who want to help their children stand out from the crowd may want to take a look at what Lucy can offer.
How to find out more
I will be updating you all on our progress with the club over the coming months.
You can follow Lucy over on Facebook and Twitter . Parents, find out everything you need to over on Lucy’s website.
This is a collaborative article.
Sounds great – i think my neice would be interested for her daughters – win win for all
It is truly a win-win for all. Thank you for sharing.
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