Mastering Mock Exams: Why They Matter and How Parents Can Support Their Kids

why mock exams matter

Mock exams, often called practice tests or trial exams in other parts of the world, are a critical component of a student’s academic journey. These simulated assessments are designed to mimic the format and conditions of actual exams, providing students with valuable insights into their “preparedness” and areas that require improvement. In this article, I will discuss why mock exams matter and how parents can play a pivotal role in supporting their children during this crucial phase of their education.

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A Parent’s Guide to GCSEs

As a parent, it can be difficult to know how to best help your child prepare for their GCSE exams. However, there are many ways you can support them during this stressful time and relieve some of the pressure they are under. Even if you are just making sure they are eating breakfast on the day of an exam, the smallest help can make a difference. This guide discusses the top ways to support your child on the run up to and the day of their GCSE exams.

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