Travelling with children: part one

With the summer months in sight we have a new series of articles coming up, looking at travelling with children.

I know some people can’t contemplate travelling very far with children, for a range of reasons, but I have always prefered to have a go or at least take the time to see what’s possible.

I think it can be easy to talk ourselves out of things sometimes when you have children in tow. If you wait for the perfect conditions or time to travel with children then you will be waiting forever.

Some parents are happy to leave children behind with friends or relatives when they go on holiday, but for me that is just not something I would ever consider. It just isn’t what our family is about.

There are some things I have discovered since becoming a parent that can make travelling with children easier and I will be featuring these over the coming weeks in this series.

One of my favourite travelling aids for the younger children are travel grobags. A Travel Grobag  is especially useful when travelling at night and we favour these for long car journeys.


We have always driven huge distances with the children and if travelling late at night it is really useful to be able to pop them in their PJ’s and a Grobag before we set off; have them safely strapped in their car seat for the trip; but then transfer them into bed the other end without the faff of trying to manoeuvre them into a baby sleeping bag.


You can use them with a 5-point harness so they are perfect for the car seat and also a pushchair. The ones we use are only 1.0 tog so they won’t overheat but you can still maintain part of your bedtime routine.


These are simple but so practical and definitely an aid for travelling with small children.

The Giggles Family


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