Combining motherhood with freelance work

Motherhood can be a full-time job without a doubt, for many it doesn’t leave much room for a career. Even when children are at school, many women can’t rush back to work full time because they need to be available for school runs, lifts to clubs and activities and emergencies. Many women want to and need to work as well as being mothers though, so how can you combine the two? Freelance work is fantastic. It allows you to stay available for your children, while still making some money.


There are lots of freelance options out there, here are just a few of them.


Blogging is an ever-growing trend. Parenting blogs, and lifestyle and travel blogs seem to be especially popular. That’s why we’re starting our list here. If you have a good grasp on writing, a blog could be the perfect option. Blogging isn’t an immediately lucrative business option, but putting work in will soon lead to rewards. The key to making your blog work is to get involved in the blogging community. Your goal should be drawing traffic to your site. A lot of your day will be spent researching the blogging market and getting your name out there. The good news is, you can do this job through the day, or night and then put it aside when you need to pick your children up, make dinner or dash out for an emergency. If it’s a flexible job you’re after, it doesn’t get much better than this. 

Personal Trainer

If you’re passionate about fitness, you might want to look into becoming a personal trainer.

Although there are courses and qualifications involved here, once you’ve got those, you can be as flexible as you like as you’ll be making your appointments with clients. Set clear working hours for yourself, and allow plenty of time for the children. Clients will understand that you have other commitments. It also gives you an excuse to keep on top of your fitness. When you’ve got children, it’s easy to let your fitness routine go but this is a way to tick the fitness and work box in one go.

mum workout


Motherhood should already have taught you all you need to know to go into childminding. If you think you’ve got what it takes to look after other people’s children, research qualifications you need to succeed. As there are children involved, it’s important you go on the relevant training courses and have the correct checks carried out. Being able to list your qualifications will give you credibility. Again, this job is flexible to you. Most parents won’t pick their child up until they finish work. That doesn’t stop you from going about your life. It just means you’ll have a few more children along for the ride. Play centres offer great deals to childminders and it could be a great way to meet other people in the same line of work.

There are lots of options out there, so take some time to think about what you could do.


  1. Great ideas, I need to look for something more flexible to fit round my children, as even now that my youngest has just started school, it’s financially impossible for me to survive doing a 9 to 5 job.

  2. I do free lance writing work and it’s so handy for fitting around the kids. It’s hard when you have little ones but there are options out there to make it work for your family. #sharewithme

  3. Some good suggestions. Its hard because we want to spend all our time with the kids but are currently both working full time. I had a look, we spend 180mins with the kids a day! That’s really not enough. One hour over breakfast before work, and two hours after work before dinner.

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