Making fairy bunting

I love a good bit of bunting. The children each have a set with their names on in their rooms and each birthday party, bunting is always part of the decor. Last week it was Star Wars bunting and I need to order some Gruffalo bunting for next month.

Fairies deserve a bit of bunting too though right?

If you are a regular reader of the blog you will know all about our resident fairy, Lily. You can read about her arrival here, how she settled in and also our general experience with fairies.

To make Lily’s fairy bunting, we cut up a few paper triangles and then the children decorated each one with love and care and apparently according to Lily’s taste!


There was much discussion about not wanting colours to clash and It also had to be ‘girly’ bunting too. Lily had left the children a note saying she was rather envious of the bunting we had up last week for a family birthday and she could do with some decor for her home as it was looking rather bland.


We then carefully glued each one to some parcel ribbon, but after a few minutes we realised that it wasn’t sticking that well so we decided to secure them with staples – a job for Mummy.


The children decorated Lily’s front door with her new bunting and were really pleased with how it looked – hopefully Lily will like it too!


The children also decided to leave Lily a little treat of a gingerbread – she is a very lucky fairy indeed!

For hints and tips of how to care for your fairy pop over to The Irish Fairy Door Company.

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