Six ways to save more this summer

We’ve looked forward to summer all year, and now it’s here, we want to make the most of it. If you find yourself wondering how you can you make your cash go further this summer, whilst still enjoying yourself, then look no further. We’ve got six top tips to help you.

sea front

Find local “days out” ideas

Going out doesn’t need to cost you a penny. You can find lists of free days out online, on websites such as Day Out With The Kids, and search for local places to visit. You might find some great local spots you never knew about, and it gets everyone out the house for a bit. Be extra thrifty and take a picnic with you to avoid any big lunchtime bills.

Use vouchers

Everyone loves getting  a discount, so why not check out before you make a purchase and see if you can find a voucher code? You’ll feel even better if you get something you really need at a great price, which will make your money go a lot further.

harry potter tour

Stay in and get creative

If the great British summer looks more like a cold winter’s day, then why not get creative at home? It can be a great way to have fun whether it’s baking or drawing, or maybe even making small gifts for other family members. You could also dig out the board games and get everyone together for hours of fun.

rainbow cake

Have a clear out

This is the perfect time of year to have a sort out of things you no longer need, and earn money in the process. Sell any unwanted clothes or household items on eBay, and then sell the rest at a local car boot sale. This not only frees up some extra money for you, but it also means you have extra space in the wardrobe. What’s not to love?

Go for a walk

This is probably the easiest way to save money, as well as exploring your local area. Most local councils have maps of great local walking routes, and it’s a great way of getting exercise and getting out of the house. Don’t forget the sun cream…and the wellies and rain coats, this is the UK!

children on beach

Visit the supermarket at the end of the day to grab some bargains

You’ll find some great items reduced towards closing time at your local supermarket, as they can’t sell things past their use-by or sell-by dates. A lot of things can be frozen, or used past their sell-by dates, so get savvy and stock up for the week. But NEVER use anything past its use-by date, unless it can be frozen on the day of purchase as you don’t want to get food poisoning for the holidays.

So, there you have six great tips to help you save money this summer. Now we just need to find the sunshine!


  1. We went for a long walk yesterday, with the dogs, and the pub had stopped serving by the time we got there – so that saved us money!!

  2. There’s some great ideas here. My local supermarket always marks things down at 6.30 pm. sometimes by as much as 75 %.

  3. I just came across Days Out With the Kids in another site now. There are so many options there on that. Takes the weight off from scouting for things to do. And vouchers, first time hearing it. I’ll be sure to check them out. Great post, thank you!

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