Kitting out your baby’s nursery: what to consider

Having a baby can be both exciting and daunting. There often feels like there is a lot to consider. What can be lots of fun however is putting together your baby’s nursery.

Is it all necessary?

A study of 2,000 mums and dads found six in 10 made sure their new son or daughter’s room was ready for them before the birth, spending around £853 on new furniture, décor and soft furnishings.

With parents redecorating their children’s rooms at least once every two years – parting with £900 each time – a further £4,500 will be splashed out before their 10th birthday.

These days there are so many stunning interiors to choose from when it comes to a nursery it would be easy to go totally over the top. The reality is that many babies barely sleep in their own room during their first 12 months of life anyway. Whilst you might get them dressed or perhaps ready for bed in their own room, much of the time you find yourself in the bathroom, your own bedroom, living room or even kitchen. This is especially the case if you have other children.

Something that grows with your child

Therefore, planning a nursery that can grow with your child might be the best option. Something that just looks clean and fresh is a great start. That way you can personalise it with dinosaurs, fairies or whatever else they end up being into later on.

White is a great option as you can pretty much add anything to it and it will look great. You can keep the furniture neutral as well, with Scandinavian Inspired Nursery Furniture like moKee.

Simple yet stunning

They create stunning yet simple nursery essentials like moses baskets, cots and cot beds, storage units, shelving units, muslin squares, chairs and stools.

They use colours like white, grey, teal, and aqua. All very neutral, suitable for any home and any child. They use both grey felt and grey wool to finish their products – if I was decorating a nursery from scratch again, this is absolutely the look I would go for.

Multi-purpose furniture

I love a multi-purpose item of furniture. We always had cot beds for our children when they were younger, rather than a cot that had to be changed after a short time. We loved the fact that this furniture grew with the children and we got lots of use out of them.

One of the cot beds we had became a cosy reading area when we’d finished using it as a bed as well, meaning it really grew with the children.

One of the moKee items I really love is their Schooper Storage Box. This is a great multi-purpose item. It could be used as a laundry basket, for toy storage, for storing nappies, nursery bedding and so on. It also doubles as a seat too! We’ve got one of these that we use to store the children’s dressing up things in at the moment. It is so simple but I just love it. I’m already thinking about what I’ll use it for next.

Did you go all out with decorating your child’s nursery or were you more practical? Let us know in a comment below.

This is a collaborative article.

1 comment

  1. I totally love moKee products! We discovered them when having the first child and we just bough the second cot for a baby due in 2020.

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