I have been interested in the benefits of detoxing for a long time now. Whilst I have gone through periods of cutting things out and I have tried things like detox teas I have never got around to doing it with more gusto.
Part of this is because each time I’ve thought about it in any detail I’ve been either pregnant or breastfeeding and so not been able to do it safely.
There are lots of documented benefits of detoxing, including :
- lowering blood pressure levels
- reducing blood fat levels
- improved liver organ function
- reduced fluid retention, bloatedness and discomfort
- improved intestinal health and wellbeing
- reduced cravings along with healthier bodyweight
- increased feelings of vitality
- improved overall flexibility
- assistance with natural migraine relief
- reduced hypersensitive reactions
- inhibits inflamation related ailments
- promotes better balanced nutrition
- clears the skin
- avoids premature ageing
In order to help you along your way there are lots of products available including a range of supplements from Nature’s Own.
These include: Ladies Gold (a good multivitamin and mineral), Biotic Plus, Psyllium Husk Powder and Magnesium Citrate. With regards to their benefits the Ladies Gold has high levels of antioxidants as well as being great for immune support. The Biotic Plus contains nine different probiotics to support your digestive system. The Psyllium Husk Powder helps to maintain a healthy intestinal track and are a great source of dietary fibre. Finally, the Magnesium Citrate is the best of the non-food forms of magnesium. As a citrate it is readily absorbed into the bloodstream via the citric acid cycle, making it a really useful supplement.
My main problem with detox is that a successful one requires you to have eight hours sleep every night, which hasn’t happened for years and isn’t likely for a few years more. As much as I would really love to go full throttle with this, I’m still not convinced that a busy mum can do that easily.
In order to succeed, you need to eliminate certain things like caffeine, which many mums rely on to get them through the day and as well as sleeping for eight hours a day, which any manic mum will know is impossible, you should also do things like skin brushing to support the process. I love the way my skin feels after dry skin brushing but I have just never been able to maintain it as part of a regular routine.
Have you ever done a detox? How did you get on? Have you got any tips to share?