I love to travel and I love to cook. Sadly travelling is not something many of us can do all that often, but what if you could travel the world from your kitchen? What if you could experiment with a range of different flavours, textures, colours and cooking styles that represented different countries from your […]
Buying a property in another country?
Britain seems to be getting less and less popular with the British every day. National treasure Emma Thompson, Academy Award-winning writer and actress, recently shared her thoughts: “[Britain is] a tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy corner of sort-of Europe. A cake-filled misery-laden grey old island.” Harsh words, but let’s face it: Britain isn’t perfect. Its quality […]
Great ways for mums to stay healthy
As a mum, your life may be too busy for you to exercise. What with looking after your children, you just may not have the time or the opportunity to hit the gym. For most mums, this is a problem because it turns into a routine. You may stop exercising completely after a while, and […]
How your sleeping position might be hurting your back
When you crawl into bed each night, it’s likely that you don’t think twice about the position you sleep in. From lying on your back to snuggling up on your side, there are a variety of stances you can take during the night. However, could the way you snooze be having an impact on your […]
Health tips for vegetarian families
There are many health benefits associated with being vegetarian. However, a wholly vegetarian diet may also put you in danger of being deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. This can be avoided with a well-planned meal schedule, which can ensure that you and your family get the balance of nutrients you require for excellent health. […]
An amazing holiday awaits your family in the south
There’s something amazing about letting your children see the world. Family holidays are a fantastic way to get your children exploring far-away places. It will help them learn about different cultures and people. This will be invaluable as they grow older. Plus, it’s cool to be able to say you’ve just come back from New […]
How to choose your next house
You’ll probably know if you are ready to move. You may have run out of space or perhaps it is simply time for a change. You may well have even been looking around for a while. There’s a lot to do and much to consider. One the biggest questions you will face will be what […]
It’s all relative
Talking to another mum the other day, I could feel myself getting a little hot under the collar as she complained about how busy her day was. Her version of being run off her feet was having to “dash home to let the cleaner in” then “make a coffee for the builder” and then “do […]