That bit between Christmas and New Year

Christmas decs

I love Christmas, I always have. The build up, the planning, the mulled wine, the excitement, the festivities and time with the family, did I mention the mulled wine? That bit between Christmas and New Year is odd though. If you aren’t working it can be great downtime and a chance to recover from all […]

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Halloween craft

Halloween craft

It’s a bit early for Halloween you might think. I know it is, I’m not trying to rush you through the first half term, when many of you will only have just started waving off your little darlings at the school gates. It’s never too early to think ahead though is it? It’s also helpful […]

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My shadow, my bodyguard, my bestfriend

Until I was eight I was an only child. I never wanted to be. I wanted at least one sibling, and when my brother was born I was overjoyed. Aside from when he was about six and began trashing my bedroom daily for about six months, I have always been grateful for my brother. All […]

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