2017’s Top 7 Online Games for Women

online casino

Earlier online games used to be only men’s cup of tea, in fact it was almost exclusively a male-dominated target market. Try clicking this link if you’re someone interested in the world of online gaming. Now according to recent studies and statistics women equally show interest in online gaming. With such a large interest and […]

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Share With Me #75


Welcome to the Share With Me Linky. I want to thank all of you who link every week, it is very much appreciated. Lots of you follow the rules, linking, adding the badge or a link, commenting on the HOST post and commenting on each others. There are also quite a few people who don’t […]

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Finding your summer sparkle

the importance of fish oils

Summer is in sight and with a few nice days already behind us you might be thinking ahead to summer holidays, wardrobes and anything else that makes you sparkle. Anyone else had to crack out the sun cream already? It’s nice to sparkle a bit in the summer months and we have a few suggestions […]

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Tips for travelling overseas with a family

dressing the same

One of our favourite things to do is to travel as a family. I write a lot about family travel on the blog and about not being afraid to explore different types of holidays in a range of locations with children. Talking to other parents though, there are lots who choose not to travel far […]

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