It’s Back!!!! The UK’s biggest indoor funfair opens this weekend in Liverpool with some new rides joining all the usual family favourites.
Why Do We Decorate Eggs at Easter?
Decorating Easter eggs is a common Easter tradition that many families enjoy, but have you ever thought about why we do it? It is quite a strange tradition and it is not clearly linked to the holiday season. So, what are the significance of eggs at this time of the year and why do we decorate Easter eggs?
Décor Changes for Easter
As Easter looks to roll around, it’s a great time to spruce up the home for the spring season with some décor changes and breathe a breath of fresh air with the winter moving behind us too – it’s a great time to get the family involved too, whether looking for some homemade options or looking at resources for easter decorations on a certain budget too, making changes for Easter can be a fun activity with changes that will last right through until the summer. So where can some exciting changes be made?
Alternatives to chocolate gifts at Easter
Easter can be a time when even the air ends up smelling of chocolate. Do you know what I mean? When you almost have a headache from breathing in the scent of the overwhelming amount of chocolate that is in the house.
Home schooling during COVID-19: week 3
Key things this week I think have been that I have lowered my expectations and increased my flexibility, when it comes to timings etc and who does what when.
Fancy Breakfast/Tea with the Easter Bunny?
It’s almost Easter. School holidays are approaching and parents all over the UK are trying to plan two weeks worth of activities and arrangements for the children. Fancy breakfast with the Easter Bunny?
How much sugar should you really be giving your children?
No matter how hard you look, you’ll probably struggle to find a child that doesn’t have a sweet tooth. While a sweet tooth doesn’t necessarily mean that your child is consuming too much sugar, it’s important to be mindful of just how much you include in their everyday diet. Research has found that each year […]