The autumn term is notorious for bugs and colds. After a long summer children return to classrooms and share their germs around, taking them home to their families like a new term gift. This year however, well it’s 2020, it’s no normal year and no normal back to school is it?
How to help your kids enjoy a healthy lifestyle
Do you worry about your children’s health? As a parent, you’re responsible for providing them with a healthy environment that will allow them to thrive and grow. But, due to our hectic lifestyles, our desire to watch TV, engage in social media and the fact that we can order a takeaway at the tap of a screen it’s not always an easy task.
Team Spirit: 3 Tips to Help You Become a More Active Family
Physical activity is often last on your list of priorities along with work, school runs and bath times, but being active is an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle.