Becoming a mum is one of life’s most joyous experiences, but it also comes with its fair share of unexpected challenges. One aspect that many mums-to-be overlook is postnatal bleeding. Despite extensive reading and preparation, the reality of bleeding after birth can be far more intense and prolonged than anticipated. Here’s my personal journey through four births, shedding light on the truths no one tells you about postnatal bleeding.
My Experience with Induction: What to Expect and How to Prepare
Induction of labour can be an intense and unpredictable experience, especially when your baby is overdue. After going through induction twice, I learned first-hand the challenges and surprises it brings—from long waits to sudden rapid progress. In this article, I share my personal induction journey, what to expect, and tips to help you feel prepared. Whether you’re facing induction for the first time or seeking reassurance, this guide will help you navigate the process with confidence.
Have you experienced medical negligence?
I don’t know about you but I have always been very grateful for the NHS. It’s clear that there are numerous pressures and inefficiencies but the care has always been good, sometimes it’s been outstanding. Having said that, things do happen and there are situations where a patient may experience medical negligence. Medical negligence means that […]