Taking learning outside

We seem to have had some better weather so far this week which has been nice. This has meant that I have been able to take the babies outside for their home learning sessions. We did our music and animal learning sacks outside this week which they really enjoyed and my littlest man sat beautifully […]

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Choosing school uniform

With many parents having recently found out which school their little ones will be going to in September, you can’t help but think about what they will be wearing. School uniform can be a bit of a minefield and you can end up trying a few things before you get the things you feel are […]

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Mother’s Day Moments

Mother’s Day – what does it mean to you? What sorts of things do you like to receive from your children? I love a good homemade card, something they are proud of and have put their time and energy into making, but by far the best Mother’s Day gift I have had since the older […]

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