A shower is not just a daily necessity; it can be a rejuvenating ritual that sets the tone for your day or helps you unwind at night. Here are some practical tips to transform your shower experience into a luxurious and invigorating escape.
The Most Common Reasons Why Shower Drains Get Clogged
Who doesn’t love taking a long hot shower? What no one loves is taking a shower and having the water stop draining. Nothing is worse than watching the water build up in your shower as you’re singing your favourite tune while scrubbing your body clean. What are the most common reasons why shower drains get clogged? That’s what we’re going to talk about here, and some of the reasons might surprise you.
Creating a stylish bathroom: easier than you think?
In an ideal world, it would be lovely to have one bathroom for you and one bathroom for the children, right? Sadly, not all of us have the space for both. So it means all sharing one family bathroom. That can be all very well, but as a mum, it can be a bit disappointing […]
Dealing with stubborn stains
You may have read some of my articles recently on stain removal techniques. We’ve looked at stubborn food stains; household stains like paint and ink; and make up stains. Whatever techniques we adopt, there will always be some stains that are really stubborn and require a bit more effort . For me, the worst stains […]
The big blogiversary giveaway: day ten
Although Mummy Fever has been around for quite a while now, it is a year since the new look blog emerged and things really moved on. As a result of this we are only really celebrating the first anniversary of this side of Mummy Fever. As part of this celebration we are bringing you lovely […]
A guide to picking a new shower
Showers are changing and improving all the time. So, if you haven’t upgraded yours for years, it might be time to do so. Here are some things to take into consideration. Choose the Type of Shower You have to think about the style and the practical considerations of the shower you buy. If you want […]
The benefits of body scrubbing
A good body scrub is something I love. Now of course in a perfect world you might be lying on a massage table somewhere tropical with a professional performing this for you – the reality might be a little different, but a good body scrub at home can still do wonders. Brightens up dull skin […]
Growing up: part one
It can be hard ‘allowing’ children to grow up sometimes. Each time the children have a birthday I think “how did that happen?” . I look at them and they look taller, their understanding of life and all it encompasses increases and they question things more and more. Of course, each time they have a […]